Bluetooth® Location Services is the fastest-growing Bluetooth solution area. According to the 2022 Bluetooth Market Update, annual shipments of location services devices are estimated to reach 568 million by 2026. Despite Bluetooth technology’s success in the location services markets, several myths remain unaddressed. One is the belief that Bluetooth technology is inaccurate or inferior to alternative positioning technologies and cannot operate well in industrial and commercial environments.

Bluetooth technology, however, is entirely capable of achieving high-accuracy positioning. Bluetooth Direction Finding enables devices to determine the direction of a Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) signal, which makes it possible for Bluetooth positioning systems to achieve centimeter-level location accuracy.

I recently spoke with Mr. Arata Takahashi from Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc. about how they use Bluetooth technology to develop a high-accuracy, indoor positioning solution. Mr. Takahashi further explained how the Bluetooth Direction Finding feature underpins their solution.

Q&A With Arata Takahashi from Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc.

How does Pixie Dust Technologies’ solution use Bluetooth positioning technology?

Pixie Dust Technologies’ hackke is an indoor positioning solution that we developed with the aim of driving digital transformation for both people and things. The sensing part of the technology is based on Angle of Arrival (AoA), a positioning methodology first standardized in Bluetooth® Core 5.1. hackke was the first AoA-based high-precision, wide-range indoor positioning solution to be commercialized in Japan, and we are providing it as a service to our customers.

What are the advantages of using Bluetooth Direction Finding?

We utilize our own algorithm on data from Bluetooth® Direction Finding to achieve robust, high-precision position sensing. Since Bluetooth Direction Finding enables a more robust use of information for position measurement, both the probability and precision of detection have risen dramatically, expanding the range of feasible application from the perspective of the digital transformation of people and things.


The Myths & Facts about Bluetooth® Technology as a Positioning Radio

Watch this detailed discussion into the challenges and opportunities in front of indoor location services systems and how to tap into their potential in manufacturing, logistics, retail, offices, and more.


Are there any examples that you can share where this solution was successfully applied?

It has already been deployed, and we are receiving more and more inquiries from customers in various fields. Since this is a new initiative for us as well, we can’t disclose too many details, but in the context of activity-based working, hackke can monitor the positions of people to deliver insights on workplace location usage and communication, which reveal the characteristics of particular locations. So, we’re pitching the idea of using this technology to design workplace layouts and office fixtures that can boost work performance.

Another thing we’re working on is integrating this technology with our hoteling app to develop solutions that integrate positional information and boost company value as a result.

People are also coming to us with inquiries about asset management.

Bluetooth® technology…has the potential to become the de facto standard for indoor positioning.

What do you think are the requirements behind effective real-time location systems and indoor positioning systems?

We think such systems need to be based on communication protocols that can be used by everyone and address latency and accuracy issues. In terms of latency and accuracy, Bluetooth® technology performs very well in the indoor positioning field, and the Bluetooth standard is easily used in all sorts of devices.

Why did you choose Bluetooth technology over other wireless technologies?

We feel that Bluetooth® technology is a communications protocol that has the potential to become the de facto standard for indoor positioning. The way it enables application expansion using conventional communications and the progress being made in developing technology relevant to indoor positioning also adds to its promise.


Enhancing Bluetooth Location Services with Direction Finding

A new Bluetooth® Direction Finding feature allows devices to determine the direction of a Bluetooth signal, thereby enabling the development of Bluetooth proximity solutions that can understand device direction as well as Bluetooth positioning systems that can achieve down to centimeter-level location accuracy.


Bluetooth® 位置情報サービスは、最も急速に成長しているBluetoothソリューション分野です。Bluetooth 市場動向 2022 によると、2026年までに位置情報サービス機器の年間出荷台数は、5億6800万台に達すると推定されています。Bluetooth技術が位置情報サービス市場で成功を収めているにもかかわらず、未だ解けていない誤解もあります。その一つが、Bluetooth技術は他の測位技術に比べて精度が低い、あるいは劣っており、産業および商業といった環境ではうまく動作しないという考えです。

しかし、実際にはBluetoothは高精度な測位を実現することができる技術です。Bluetooth 方向検知は、Bluetooth Low Energy(LE)の信号の方向を判断することができるため、Bluetooth測位システムでセンチメートル単位の測位精度を実現することができるのです。



ピクシーダストテクノロジーズのhackke™は、ヒトとモノのDX化をコンセプトに、屋内位置測位ソリューションとして展開しています。その技術のセンシング部分として、Bluetoothのバージョン5.1より規格化された測位技術としてAngle of Arrival(AoA)の技術を応用しており、国内で初めてAoAを用いた高精度・広範囲の屋内測位を商業化し、お客様にサービスとしてご提案しています。





現在、すでに導入はもとより、様々な領域のお客様からお問い合わせを多く頂いています。我々の取り組み自体新しいものがあるため、あまり公開はできませんが、Active Based Workingの文脈で、人の位置から、場所の使用状況・コミュニケーションなどを把握することにより、その場所の持つ特性を明らかにすることができ、より業務のパフォーマンスを向上するレイアウトやオフィス什器の提案など進めています。








  • hackke™ について


  • * hackke及びそのロゴは、ピクシーダストテクノロジーズ株式会社の商標又は登録商標です。

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