介绍 Bluetooth Mesh - 第二部分

This video goes over the basics of Bluetooth mesh networking and the types of nodes in a Bluetooth mesh network, including Relay, Low Power, Friend, and Proxy nodes, as well as Bluetooth mesh architecture and network management.

本视频介绍了Bluetooth mesh 网络的基础知识和Bluetooth mesh 网络中的节点类型,包括中继节点、低功耗节点、朋友节点和代理节点,以及Bluetooth mesh 架构和网络管理。


Bluetooth Mesh 和DALI----Under the Hood。

在我之前的文章中,Bluetooth Mesh 和DALI--完美匹配,我们......

Bluetooth Mesh and DALI – The Perfect Match

2020年5月,Bluetooth 特别兴趣小组(SIG)和DiiA(数字照明接口...。
