今すぐ有効Bluetooth な製品を認定する

A BluetoothQualification Test Facility(BQTF)は、Test Case Reference List(TCRL)において「Controller (HCI)層以下のカテゴリA」として特定されたBluetooth Qualification Processのテストケースを実行する能力があるとBluetooth SIG います

Qualification Workspace 作成されたテストプランに、必要なテストがカテゴリーAであり、HCIレイヤー以下で実施されることが記載されている場合は、Bluetooth Qualification Test Facilityからテスト結果を提出する必要があります。ただし、貴社がBluetooth 認定試験施設(BRTF)である場合は、貴社が所有するBluetooth 認定試験施設からの試験結果を提供することができます。Bluetooth 認定試験施設は、他のBluetooth SIG メンバー 企業のための独立した試験施設として活動することはできませんのでご注意ください。

試験サービスについては、Bluetooth 資格試験施設と直接契約することは、お客様の責任となります。

貴社がBluetooth Qualification Test Facility(認定試験施設)またはBluetooth Recognized Test Facility(認定試験施設)になる方法など、Bluetooth Qualification Test Facility(認定試験施設)プログラムの詳細については、以下の「プログラム申請の詳細」ボタンをクリックしてください。



現在Bluetooth 資格試験設備

現在Bluetooth 認定されている試験施設

Authorized Test Scope Supported Testing Capabilities


(a) Vol 6 Part A, Physical Layer Specification, in the Test Suite RFPHY.TS which includes receiver and transmitter tests for LE 1 Mb/s; with

(b) fixed 37 bytes packet payload length, and

(c) packet length extensions (packet payload length ranges from 37 bytes to 255 bytes)


Vol. 5, Part A 802.11 Protocol Adaptation Layer (802.11 PAL) in the Test Suite 802.11 PAL.TS


(a) Vol 6 Part A, Physical Layer Specification, in the Test Suite RFPHY.TS which includes receiver and transmitter tests for LE 1 Mb/s; with

(b) fixed 37 bytes packet payload length, and

(c) packet length extensions (packet payload length ranges from 37 bytes to 255 bytes)


Vol 6 Part A, Physical Layer Specification, in the Test Suite RFPHY.TS which includes receiver and transmitter tests for

(a)    20 dBm Higher Output Power RFPHY 

(b)    LE 2Mb/s

(c)   Coded PHY (125 kb/s or 500 kb/s)

(d)    Stable Modulation Index

(e)    All required testing capabilities associated with the RFPHY:1 test scope option


Vol 6 Part A, Physical Layer Specification, in the Test Suite RFPHY.TS which includes receiver and transmitter tests for

(a)    AoA/AoD (IQ Samples Coherency AoD/AoA Receiver, IQ Sample Dynamic Range AoD/AoA Receiver)

(b)    All required testing capabilities associated with the RFPHY:2 test scope option


Vol 6 Part A, Physical Layer Specification, in the Test Suite RFPHY.TS which includes receiver and transmitter tests for

(a)    Channel Sounding (Transmitter/Receiver tests TRM-RCV, for CS)

All required testing capabilities associated with the RFPHY:2 test scope option

BR/EDR Layers:1

(a)   Vol 2 Part B, Baseband (BB) Specification, in the Test Suite BB.TS

(b)   Vol 2 Part C, Link Manager Protocol (LMP) Specification, in the Test Suite LMP.TS

(c)    Vol 2 Part E Host Controller Interface (HCI) Specification, including the BR/EDR only HCI tests in the Test Suite HCI.TS

LE Layers:1

(a)   Vol 6 Part B Link Layer (LL) Specification, in the Test Suite LL.TS

(b)   Vol 2 Part E Host Controller Interface (HCI) Specification, including the LE only and BR/EDR/LE HCI tests in the Test Suite HCI.TS

LE Layers:2

(a)   Vol 6 Part G Isochronous Adaptation Layer (IAL) Specification, in the Test Suite IAL.TS (Isochronous Adaptation Layer)

(b)   All required testing capabilities associated with the LE Layers:1 test scope option

LE Layers:3

(a)    Vol 6 Part H Channel Sounding Specification, in the Test Suite CS.TS

(b)    All required testing capabilities associated with the LE Layers:1 test scope option

Host Layers

Layers above HCI in the Bluetooth SIG adopted Core Specifications

Traditional Profiles and Protocols

Bluetooth SIG adopted Profile and Protocol Specifications external to the Core in the Traditional rollup TCRL

GATT-Based Profiles & Services

Bluetooth SIG adopted Profile and Service Specifications operating over the GATT architecture in the GATT based rollup TCRL

GATT-Based Audio

Bluetooth SIG adopted next generation audio; transport agnostic control, audio streaming over LE isochronous channels, codec, and upper layer profile specifications in the GATT-Based Audio rollup TCRL

Bluetooth High Speed (HS) supportive Layers

* IEEE 802.11 PHY in the Core TCRL

* MAC Layers (IEEE 802.11-2007) in the Core rollup TCRL

Mesh Layers

Bluetooth SIG adopted Mesh Protocol, Mesh Model, and Mesh NLC Profile Specifications in the MESH-MMDL rollup TCRL

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