The Bluetooth® developer community is consistently breaking new barriers and repeatedly pushing the limits of wireless connectivity. To support and encourage this spirit of innovation, each year, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) releases new developer resources. For your coding convenience, we’ve assembled a list of the five most important developer resources to arrive online in 2019.

Bluetooth Mesh Models: A Technical Overview

In this detailed technical paper, Bluetooth® Developer Relations Manager Martin Woolley provides a guided tour of the Bluetooth Mesh models, taking an in-depth look at the building blocks critical to Bluetooth Mesh interoperability.

Bluetooth Direction Finding: A Technical Overview

This comprehensive overview examines the new direction finding feature included in the latest version of the Bluetooth® Core Specification. Learn the details behind how two new Bluetooth direction finding methods can enable location services solutions that support high-accuracy direction finding.

Bluetooth LE Security Study Guide

This self-study education resource provides a better understanding of the security features that Bluetooth® LE possesses and see how they work. Also, gain hands-on experience writing code which exploits some of the most important Bluetooth LE security features.

How to Make Wearables Bluetooth Mesh Provisioners

In this step-by-step study guide, learn how to build an app on a smartwatch that can provision, configure, and control a Bluetooth® Mesh network. This study guide also introduces you to the most fundamental Bluetooth Mesh technical concepts and helps you learn about the mesh proxy node and proxy protocol in detail.

An Introduction to Bluetooth Beacons

This recently updated self-study guide looks at the theory and practice of developing Bluetooth® beacons and integrating them into existing products and applications, and new updates outline how to implement Swift on an iOS platform.

Discover more developer resources to help you build your Bluetooth product.


Bluetooth Mesh Models – A Technical Overview


Bluetooth Mesh 1.1 Performance

In this blog, we explore different performance capabilities of the Bluetooth Mesh 1.1 network…

Bluetooth® Channel Sounding: A Technical Overview

The forthcoming update to the Bluetooth® core specification adds a new feature called Channel…

The Bluetooth® Mesh Primer

An introduction and explanation of important Bluetooth® Mesh concepts.

Low Energy Audio – Basic One-Way Unicast Audio

This document gives an introduction to Bluetooth LE Audio by explaining the basics of…

Low Energy Audio – Using UCIs, URIs, and URI Schemes

This document describes how implementers can use the UCIs, URIs, and URI schemes in…

Using a Bluetooth LE Wireless Module to Accelerate Time-to-market

Wireless connectivity makes dumb products intelligent. Smart devices can transmit information about their surroundings…

Enabling the Digital Transformation of Industrial IoT with Bluetooth®

The Industrial IoT is a digital transformation process for enterprises offering them compelling abilities…

Now Available: Auracast™ Developer Best Practice Guides公開中:Auracast™開発者向けベストプラクティスガイド

When Bluetooth® LE Audio was released, it introduced broadcast audio to Bluetooth technology. This…

Automated Emergency Light Testing Through Bluetooth Mesh

During a summer internship at Nordic, I took on a project that focused on…

Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals

The Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) Fundamentals Course is designed to give you the knowledge…

The Latest in HADM with Bluetooth LE

HADM, or high accuracy distance measurement using Bluetooth does exactly what it says –…

Bluetooth® Technology for Linux Developers

Learn how to use the interprocess communication system D-Bus and the BlueZ APIs to create Bluetooth applications for Linux computers.

Designing and Developing Bluetooth® Internet Gateways

Learn about Bluetooth® internet gateways, how to make them secure and scalable, and design and implement your own...

The Bluetooth LE Security Study Guide

Learn about fundamental security concepts, the security features of Bluetooth Low Energy, and gain some hands-on experience using those features in device code.

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