When Bluetooth® LE Audio was released, it introduced broadcast audio to Bluetooth technology. This a new feature enables an audio transmitter to broadcast to an unlimited number of nearby Bluetooth audio receivers. Broadcast audio opens significant new opportunities for innovation, including a powerful new capability, Auracast broadcast audio.

Auracast broadcast audio is a set of defined configurations of Bluetooth® broadcast audio which are specified within the Public Broadcast Profile (PBP) specification that enables new, globally interoperable audio experiences for consumers.

If you are developing or thinking about developing an Auracast™ device, you will want to take a look at this series of Auracast developer best practices. Below is the complete suite of Auracast developer best practice guides, now available for download.

Master Icon File Paper

An Overview of Auracast Broadcast Audio

This document describes the new Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) broadcast topology with specific reference to Auracast™ applications.

The paper focuses on the new broadcast audio experience and the use cases of Auracast™ broadcast audio, a set of defined configurations of Bluetooth® broadcast audio designed both to promote deployment in public spaces and ensure the maximum degree of interoperability between Auracast™ compliant products.

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Master Icon File Paper

How to Design Auracast Earbuds

This document covers the basic design principles for building Auracast™️ earbuds and other receiver devices, explaining their features, their configuration requirements, and how they interact with other Auracast™️ devices. These principles also apply to speakers, hearing aids, headphones, and soundbars. The focus on earbuds illustrates the additional design issues encountered when two independent Auracast™️ receivers need to synchronize to the same Auracast™️ transmitter.

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Master Icon File Paper

How to Build an Auracast Transmitter

The flexibility of the Bluetooth® LE Audio specifications and the multiplicity of applications means that there will be many different design decisions that need to be made by anyone building an Auracast™ transmitter.

This document covers the basic design principles for building an Auracast™ transmitter, explaining the features and the configuration requirements. It also discusses a range of different considerations for physical form factors. 

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Master Icon File Paper

How to Build an Auracast Assistant

This document covers the basic design principles for building an Auracast™ assistant, explaining the features and the configuration requirements. It also discusses a range of different options for physical form factors.

This paper explains why Auracast™ assistants are needed and also provides guidance on how they they can be implemented.

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Master Icon File Paper

Auracast Simple Transmitter Best Practices Guide

This paper provides a set of clear, concise, and useful recommendations for product makers interested in building Auracast transmitter products, including:

  • More detailed information and examples on the configuration of an Auracast advertisement
  • Recommendations for setting up a mono, stereo, or multi-channel broadcast stream for an Auracast transmitter in a public location
  • Added recommendations and considerations for the design and deployment of more advanced Auracast transmitters

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Master Icon File Paper

Developing Auracast™ Receivers With an Assistant Application for Legacy Smartphones

This document describes a standards compliant approach for how Auracast™ receivers (earbuds, hearing aids, headphones, and speakers) can be designed to work with a stand-alone Auracast™ assistant application, and satisfy user requirements to join an Auracast™ broadcast using a legacy smartphone.

Following this approach can help accelerate the market adoption for Auracast™ broadcast audio and increase the likelihood users can immediately take advantage of Auracast™ broadcast audio with new receivers.

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This complete suite of best practice guides is now available for download. Visit our newly released library to uncover the basic design principles for building Auracast™ receivers, transmitters, and assistants.


The Auracast™ Experience

The Auracast™ Experience is a global series of immersive demonstration events that allow visitors to experience some of the ways Auracast™ broadcast audio will help our world sound better.


Bluetooth®︎ LE Audioの登場により、Bluetooth技術に新しくブロードキャストオーディオ機能が追加されました。この機能により、送信機から受信範囲内の受信機に台数の制限なくオーディオをブロードキャストできます。ブロードキャストオーディオは、革新的な新機能であるAuracastTMブロードキャスト オーディオをはじめ、様々な可能性を秘めています。

Auracastブロードキャスト オーディオとは、PBP (Public Broadcast Profile)仕様で定義されたBluetoothブロードキャスト オーディオのコンフィギュレーションの総称です。これにより、消費者はグローバルな相互運用性のもとで新たなオーディオ体験を享受できます。


Master Icon File Paper

An Overview of Auracast™ Broadcast Audio(Auracast™ ブロードキャスト オーディオの概要)

Bluetooth®︎ LEのブロードキャストのトポロジーを解説し、Auracast™の具体的なアプリケーションを紹介します。

このガイドでは、新しいブロードキャストオーディオ体験と、AuracastTM ブロードキャスト オーディオのさまざまなユースケースに焦点を当てています。AuracastTM ブロードキャスト オーディオは、Bluetooth®︎ ブロードキャストオーディオの定義済みコンフィギュレーションをまとめたもので、公共の場での利用推進およびAuracastTM対応デバイス間の相互運用性の最大化を図ることを目的に設計されています。


Master Icon File Paper

How to Design Auracast™ Earbuds(Auracast™イヤホンの設計方法)

AuracastTM イヤホンをはじめとするAuracastTM受信機の開発に関する設計の基本原則を説明します。機能、コンフィギュレーション要件、他のAuracastTM デバイスとの接続方法について説明しています。これらの原則は、スピーカー、補聴器、ヘッドホン、サウンドバーなどにも適用できます。特にイヤホンを取り上げた理由は、2つの別個のAuracastTM 受信機を同じAuracastTM 送信機に同期させる際に、設計上の課題が追加的に発生するためです。


Master Icon File Paper

How to Build an Auracast™ Transmitter(Auracast™送信機の開発方法)

Bluetooth®︎ LE Audio仕様が柔軟でその用途が多岐にわたるということは、すなわちAuracast™送信機を開発する際に決定しなければならない事項が多いということでもあります。



Master Icon File Paper

How to Build an Auracast™ Assistant(Auracast™アシスタントの開発方法)




Master Icon File Paper

Auracast™ Simple Transmitter Best Practices Guide(シンプルなAuracast™送信機に関するベストプラクティスガイド)


  • Auracast™のアドバタイズの設定に関する詳細情報と例
  • 公共の場におけるAuracast™送信機のモノラル、ステレオ、マルチチャネルのブロードキャストストリームのセットアップに関する推奨事項
  • より高度なAuracast™送信機の設計と展開に関する追加的な推奨事項と考慮事項


Master Icon File Paper

Developing Auracast™ Receivers With an Assistant Application for Legacy Smartphones(Auracast™非対応スマートフォン向けアシスタントアプリを備えたAuracast™受信機の開発)


このアプローチに従うことによって、AuracastTM ブロードキャスト オーディオの市場での普及を加速し、ユーザーが新しい受信機によってすぐさまAuracastTM ブロードキャスト オーディオのメリットを享受できる可能性を高めることができます。



Everything you ever wanted to know about Bluetooth® LE Audio and Auracast™ broadcast audio

Recently, Nick Hunn, chair of the Bluetooth SIG Hearing Aid Working Group, vice chair…

Auracast™ broadcast audio: a major showstopper at CES 2025

For decades, CES has connected innovators, decision makers, media, influencers, visionaries, and customers across…

Introducing Bluetooth® LE Audio 2nd Edition

Now available for free digital download, get your copy of this in-depth, technical overview of the LE Audio specifications.

Japan and China are helping to shape the future of a connected experience

Recently, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) hosted its first in-person Tokyo Seminar since…

The Switch from Bluetooth® Classic to Bluetooth® LE Audio

Bluetooth® Classic has long been a staple of the audio market and isn’t going away…

Auracast™ Broadcast Audio for Developers: Best Practices for Developing Transmitters, Receivers, and Broadcast Assistants for Public Locations

Auracast broadcast audio technology will revolutionize how we experience audio. This interactive session will…

The Auracast™ PA System That Fits in Your Pocket

Watch how Auracast™ broadcast audio enables a simple clip-on microphone to provide a high-quality…

Growing the Auracast™ Ecosystem

Discover a small sampling of the expanding Auracast™ product ecosystem, showcasing an array of…

Crafting Innovative Auracast™ Devices from Concept to Compatibility

If you haven’t heard of AuracastTM broadcast audio yet, it’s time to fully embrace it. This…

The Perfect Fit for an Auracast™ Retrofit

Learn about Auracast™ broadcast audio retrofit solutions and opportunities.

Auracast™ - Hear, There and Everywhere

Most everyone reading this enjoys the benefits of Bluetooth®. Providing short-range wireless point-to-point solutions…

How to Build an Auracast Assistant

This document covers the basic design principles for building an Auracast™ assistant, explaining the…

How to Build an Auracast Transmitter

This document covers the basic design principles for building an Auracast™ transmitter, explaining the…

How to Design Auracast Earbuds

This document covers the basic design principles for building Auracast™️ earbuds and other receiver…

2024 Bluetooth® Market Update

The 2024 Bluetooth® Market Update examines the direction and adoption of Bluetooth technology.

Auracast Broadcast Audio Retrofit Solutions and Opportunities

This report by ABI Research delves into the opportunity for public spaces to offer…

What's the Range of Auracast Broadcast Audio?

Get the answer to the question everyone’s asking. Find out what the coverage area…

Can You Add Auracast Support to Existing Devices?

Are you waiting for native Auracast™ support? You might not have to. Find out…

LE Audio: The Future of Bluetooth® Audio

ABI Research outlines how the arrival of LE Audio is set to transform the Bluetooth audio ecosystem and the impact it will have on Bluetooth® audio market forecasts.

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