Though only recently released, Bluetooth® Channel Sounding has already had a big impact on the industry. Bluetooth Channel Sounding is a new secure, fine-ranging feature that promises to enhance the convenience, safety, and security of Bluetooth connected devices. By infusing billions of everyday devices with true distance awareness, Bluetooth® Channel Sounding unlocks a world of possibilities for developers, freeing them to imagine and create innovative experiences.

Ideal for supporting find my devices, digital key solutions, and many more, Bluetooth® Channel Sounding has the potential to bring benefits to a wide range of connected device products. For example, Bluetooth mice, keyboards, and game controllers, could automatically switch between active and inactive states based on their distance from a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, Bluetooth human-machine interface (HMI) solutions can enhance personnel safety by only allowing usage from a safe distance, and Bluetooth device networks, such as those used for wireless lighting control, can self-optimize to enhance system performance.

Bluetooth® Channel Sounding will apply to consumer, enterprise, and industrial settings alike.”

– Andrew Zignani, ABI Research

“Bluetooth® Channel Sounding will apply to consumer, enterprise, and industrial settings alike,” said Andrew Zignani, senior research director at ABI Research. “Imagine Bluetooth mice, keyboards, and game controllers that can automatically switch between active and inactive states based on their distance from a laptop. In industrial settings, distance aware Bluetooth Human-Machine Interface (HMI) solutions can increase personnel safety by only allowing usage from a safe distance. Meanwhile, Bluetooth device networks, such as those used for networked lighting control, can more easily self-configure to enhance system performance using this innovative technology. With 1.35 billion Bluetooth connected devices forecasted to ship in 2024 alone, the opportunities are significant.” 

The opportunities are endless, and companies throughout the industry are already seeing that. Check out what market leaders around the world are saying about Bluetooth® Channel Sounding.

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Extending an already rich ecosystem, the Bluetooth® Channel Sounding standard enables connected devices to more precisely and securely locate each other, paving the way for the design of new low-cost, energy-efficient, location-aware solutions,” said Kyle Golsch, senior RF system engineer at Denso.It also has the potential to provide a more secure and convenient user experience for automotive digital key solutions and we look forward to leveraging this technology inside and outside of automotive areas to enable more seamless user experiences for all.” 

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“With qualification testing available from day one, alongside advanced capture and analysis features introduced over a year ahead of this official release, early adopters and innovators are now fully empowered to unlock the vast potential this new feature offers to the Bluetooth ecosystem,” said Mario Pasquali, president and CEO of Ellisys.  

Read more.

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“Accurate distance measurement and positioning are top priorities for users,” said Raymond Zou, senior product line director at Goodix. “Bluetooth® Channel Sounding meets these needs by leveraging Bluetooth technology to deliver precise distance measurements with robust, multi-layered security. This represents another significant milestone in the evolution of Bluetooth technology, providing true distance awareness for a wide array of IoT smart applications and driving emerging use cases forward, including access control and asset tracking. Goodix is excited to support Bluetooth® Channel Sounding in our next generation of Bluetooth SoC chips, empowering customers to innovate and create even greater value.”

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“Bluetooth® Channel Sounding is a big step forward for Bluetooth technology,” said Shantanu Bhalerao, vice president of Infineon’s Bluetooth product line.As a leader in automotive and IoT, Infineon is excited to bring accurate, secure, fine ranging with Bluetooth Channel Sounding to car access and smart home markets.” 

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Nordic Semiconductor

“Bluetooth® Channel Sounding is poised to bring true distance awareness to a vast array of Bluetooth devices, unlocking new possibilities for distance-aware applications across various industries,” said Oyvind Strom, EVP of Nordic Semiconductor’s short-range BU. “With Bluetooth® Channel Sounding, we’re able to elevate the performance of ‘Find My’ applications by delivering centimeter-level accuracy, helping our customers find important items with greater ease. Additionally, Bluetooth® Channel Sounding enhances the security of digital key solutions, providing an extra layer of protection for keyless entry users.” 

Read more.

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“With Bluetooth® Channel Sounding, we’re able to elevate the performance of ‘Find My’ applications by delivering centimeter-level accuracy, helping our customers find important items with greater ease,” said Joonsuk Kim, executive vice president of the System LSI Connectivity Team at Samsung Electronics. “Additionally, Bluetooth® Channel Sounding enhances the security of digital key solutions, providing an extra layer of protection for keyless entry users. These are just a few examples of the transformative potential of Bluetooth® Channel Sounding, with many more possibilities waiting to be realized.”
Read more.

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Silicon Labs

“In a world where location awareness is critical, Bluetooth® Channel Sounding revolutionizes proximity and location capabilities, propelling Bluetooth technology into a new era.” said Ross Sabolcik, SVP of the industrial and commercial business unit at Silicon Labs. “With a legacy of empowering developers with the full potential of Bluetooth technology, Silicon Labs looks forward to helping create an accelerated path to groundbreaking Bluetooth products equipped with Bluetooth® Channel Sounding.”   

Read more.

And the list of product manufacturers excited by the release of Bluetooth Channel Sounding goes on; see what companies like Texas Instruments, imec, and Packetcraft have to say bout this new Bluetooth feature.

Plus, solution manufacturers are not the only ones who have taken notice. Feng Yunsheng, chief secretary of the Intelligent Car Connectivity Open Alliance (ICCOA) said, “We look forward to adding this new feature to our upcoming Bluetooth Digital Key specification. The adoption of Bluetooth® Channel Sounding will help the ICCOA continue to deliver greater convenience, performance, and security to drivers and passengers worldwide.” 

Ren Feng, chief secretary of the Intelligent Car Connectivity Industry Ecosystem Alliance (ICCE) said, “The ICCE is committed to developing industry standards and fostering cross-industry collaboration to enable seamless intelligent in-car services. We are therefore studying the addition of Bluetooth® Channel Sounding technology as one of the ranging methods in the ICCE car key standard and we look forward to integrating it.”

Bluetooth® Channel Sounding will transform the way we interact with our connected world. Learn more about Bluetooth® Channel Sounding.

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Bluetooth® Channel Sounding

Bluetooth® Channel Sounding is a new secure, fine-ranging feature that promises to enhance the convenience, safety, and security of Bluetooth connected devices. By infusing billions of everyday devices with true distance awareness, Bluetooth® Channel Sounding unlocks a world of possibilities for developers, freeing them to imagine and create innovative experiences.



紛失防止デバイス、デジタルキーソリューションをはじめとする数多くの用途に最適なBluetooth®チャネルサウンディングは、幅広い種類の接続デバイス製品にメリットをもたらす可能性があります。例えばBluetoothマウス、キーボード、ゲームコントローラではスマートフォン、タブレット、ノートパソコンからの距離に応じて自動的にオン/オフ状態を切り替えることができます。Bluetooth HMI(ヒューマンマシンインターフェース)ソリューションでは、安全な距離からの操作のみを許可することで、従業員の安全性を高めることができます。ネットワーク照明制御などで使用されるBluetoothデバイスネットワークでは、デバイス側が自己最適化を行い、システムパフォーマンスを向上させることができます。


– アンドリュー・ジニャーニ, ABI Research

ABI Researchのシニアリサーチディレクター、アンドリュー・ジニャーニ(Andrew Zignani)氏は次のように述べています。「Bluetooth®︎チャネルサウンディングは、消費者、企業、産業分野など、様々な環境で応用が可能です。例えば、ノートパソコンからの距離に応じて自動的にオン/オフ状態を切り替えるBluetoothマウス、キーボード、ゲームコントローラを想像してみてください。また産業分野では、距離を認識するBluetooth HMI(ヒューマンマシンインターフェース)ソリューションに対し、安全な距離からの操作のみを許可することで、従業員の安全性を高めることができます。一方、ネットワーク照明制御などで使用されるBluetoothデバイスネットワークは、この革新的技術を活用することで、システムパフォーマンスを向上させるための自己設定がより容易になります。2024年だけでも13億5000万台を超えるBluetooth対応デバイスの出荷が予想されており、その可能性は計り知れません」



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シニアRFシステムエンジニア カイル・ゴルシュ(Kyle Golsch)


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プレジデント兼CEO マリオ・パスクアリ(Mario Pasquali)


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シニア・プロダクト・ライン・ディレクター レイモンド・ゾウ(Raymond Zou)

「正確な測距と測位は、ユーザーにとって最重要項目です。Bluetooth®チャネルサウンディングは、Bluetooth技術を活用し、堅牢な多層防御のセキュリティの下で高精度の測距を実現することで、こうしたニーズに対応しています。これは、Bluetooth技術の進化における新たな重要な節目です。幅広い種類のIoTスマートアプリケーションで正確な距離認識機能を実現すると同時に、入退管理や資産追跡などの新しいユースケースを推進する原動力となります。Goodixは、当社の次世代Bluetooth SoCチップがBluetooth®チャネルサウンディングに対応し、お客様がさらに大きな価値を生み、イノベーションを実現できるよう支援できることをうれしく思います」

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Bluetoothプロダクト・ライン担当バイスプレジデント シャンタヌ・バレラオ(Shantanu Bhalerao)


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短距離事業部門担当バイスプレジデント  オイヴィン・ストルム(Oyvind Strom)


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システムLSI事業部接続性開発チーム担当エクゼクティブバイスプレジデント  キム・ジュンソク(Joonsuk Kim)


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インダストリアル&コマーシャル事業部門担当シニアバイスプレジデント ロス・サボルシック(Ross Sabolcik)


Bluetoothチャネルサウンディングの公開に大きな期待を寄せているメーカーは他にも多数あります。Bluetoothのこの新機能について、Texas InstrumentsimecPacketcraftが語っている内容もぜひご確認ください。

Bluetoothチャネルサウンディングに注目しているのはメーカーだけではありません。ICCOA(インテリジェント・カー・コネクティビティ・オープン・アライアンス)のチーフセクレタリー、フォン・ユンシェン(Feng Yunsheng)氏は次のように述べています。「今後リリース予定のBluetoothデジタルキー仕様にこの新機能を追加できることを大変嬉しく思っています。Bluetoothチャネルサウンディングの採用により、ICCOAはこれからも世界中のドライバーや同乗者に、より優れた利便性、性能、セキュリティを提供し続けることができます」 

また、ICCE(インテリジェント・カー・コネクティビティ・インダストリー・エコシステム・アライアンス)のチーフセクレタリーであるレン・フォン(Ren Feng)氏は次のように述べています。「ICCEは、シームレスなインテリジェント車載サービスを実現するため、業界標準の策定と、業種の枠を超えた協力関係の促進に取り組んでいます。そのため現在、ICCEの自動車キー規格における測距方法の一つとしてBluetoothチャネルサウンディング技術の採用について検討を進めています。この機能を規格に統合することを心から楽しみにしています」


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