Bluetooth Enhances Support for Location Services with New Direction Finding Feature

The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) announced a new direction finding feature that holds the potential to significantly enhance the performance of Bluetooth® location services solutions. The new feature allows devices to determine the direction of a Bluetooth signal, thereby enabling the development of Bluetooth proximity solutions that can understand device direction as well as Bluetooth positioning systems that can achieve down to centimeter-level location accuracy.

Bluetooth Enhances Support for Location Services with New Direction Finding Feature

KIRKLAND, Wash. – January 28, 2019 – The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) today announced…

Enhancing Bluetooth Location Services with Direction Finding

See how the new direction finding feature will enhance the performance of Bluetooth location services solutions

Bluetooth® Core 5.1 Feature Overview

Bluetooth Core Specification v5.1 contains a series of updates to the Bluetooth core specification. This document summarizes and explains each change.

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Additional Resources

Build a Smarter Building with Blue

See how Bluetooth increases reliability, reduces costs, and enhances your smart building ROI.

Overview – Bluetooth Technology

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Brand Assets

The brand guide contains all the essentials you need to market your Bluetooth product including the color breakdown for print packaging, how to use the logos and other guidelines. The zip file contains the most recent brand guide in English and its translated versions (Simplified Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages), and the registered trademarks in a variety of digital and print ready file types.

The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) owns the Bluetooth word mark, figure mark and combination mark (collectively, the Bluetooth trademarks), and protects the Bluetooth trademarks through the brand enforcement program. In order for a company to use the trademarks, two things must happen: 1) a company must be a member of the Bluetooth SIG and 2) the goods offered must have completed the Bluetooth Qualification Process. Members should always refer to the Bluetooth brand guide when using the logos. Should you have any unanswered questions, submit a support request to the brand manager.

Download the Bluetooth brand guide and logo files (English)

Brand guides available in other languages:
Japanese | Korean | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese

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