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Bluetooth Core Specification

Part C. Core Specification Change History

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1. Removed features

Some features have been deemed no longer useful and have been removed. The term removed does not mean that they are no longer allowed, but that they are no longer recommended as the best way of performing a given function.

Removed features may be implemented using the latest qualifiable version (if any) of the specification that specifies the removed features.

2. Changes from v1.1 to v1.2

2.1. New features

Several new features were introduced in the version 1.2. The major areas of improvement are:

  • Architectural overview

  • Faster connection

  • Adaptive frequency hopping

  • Extended SCO links

  • Enhanced error detection and flow control

  • Enhanced synchronization capability

  • Enhanced flow specification

The feature descriptions are incorporated into the existing text in different core parts, described in Volumes 2 and 3.

2.2. Structure changes

Version 1.2 was significantly restructured for better consistency and readability. The most important structure changes have been performed in Baseband, LMP, HCI and L2CAP. The text in these sections has been rearranged to provide:

  • Presentation of the information in a more logical progression

  • Removal of redundant text and requirements

  • Consolidation of Baseband-related requirements (for example, the Baseband Timers and Bluetooth Audio sections into the Baseband Specification)

  • Alignment of the specification with the new architecture and terminology presented in the Architecture Overview (see [Vol 1] Part E).

In addition, new text and requirements were added for the new features as well as many changes throughout the specification to update the text to use IEEE language (see [Vol 1] Part E).

2.3. Deprecated features list

Features deprecated in version 1.2 are:

  • The use of Unit Keys for security

  • Optional Paging schemes

  • 23 channel hopping sequence

  • Page scan period mode and associated commands

2.4. Changes in wording

Two general classes of changes to the wording of the Bluetooth Specification have been done for version 1.2. They are a formalization of the language by using conventions established by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and a regularization of Bluetooth wireless technology-specific terms. Many portions of the version 1.1 specification use imprecise or inaccurate terms to describe attributes of the protocol. A more accurate terminology described in Part E was introduced into the version 1.2 specification and have been applied in future versions.

2.5. Nomenclature changes

The nomenclature in Bluetooth 1.2 was also updated due to new concepts that are introduced together with the new features and the new architecture. See [Vol 1] Part A.

3. Changes from v1.2 to v2.0 + EDR

3.1. New features

Version 2.0 + EDR introduces Enhanced Data Rate (EDR). EDR provides a set of additional packet types that use the new 2 Mb/s and 3 Mb/s modes.

In addition to EDR a set of errata provided in ESR02 has been incorporated into this version and revised to include changes caused by the addition of EDR.

These additions are incorporated into the existing text in different core parts described in Volumes 2 and 3.

3.2. Deprecated features

The only feature deprecated in version 2.0 + EDR is the Page Scan Period Mode and associated commands (based on Erratum 694 which is also included in ESR02).

4. Changes from v2.0 + EDR to v2.1 + EDR

4.1. New features

Several new features are introduced in version 2.1 + EDR. The major areas of improvement are:

  • Erroneous Data Reporting

  • Encryption Pause and Resume

  • Extended Inquiry Response

  • Link Supervision Timeout Changed event

  • Non-Automatically-Flushable Packet Boundary Flag

  • Secure Simple Pairing

  • Sniff Subrating

  • Security Mode 4

4.2. Removed features

No features were removed in v2.1 + EDR.

5. Changes from v2.1 + EDR to v3.0 + HS

5.1. New features

Several new features are introduced in version 3.0 + HS. The major areas of improvement are:

  • AMP Manager protocol (A2MP)

  • Enhancements to L2CAP including

    • Enhanced Retransmission Mode and Streaming Mode

    • Improvements to the L2CAP state machine for AMP channels

    • Fixed channel support

  • Enhancements to HCI for AMP

  • Enhancements to Security for AMP

  • 802.11 Protocol Adaptation Layer

  • Enhanced Power Control

  • Unicast Connectionless Data

  • HCI Read Encryption Key Size command

  • Generic Test Methodology for AMP

  • Enhanced USB and SDIO HCI Transports

5.2. Removed features

No features were removed in v3.0 + HS.

6. Changes from v3.0 + HS to v4.0

6.1. New features

Several new features are introduced in version 4.0. The major areas of improvement are:

  • Bluetooth Low Energy including

    • Low Energy Physical Layer

    • Low Energy Link Layer

    • Enhancements to HCI for Low Energy

    • Low Energy Direct Test Mode

    • AES Encryption

    • Enhancements to L2CAP for Low Energy

    • Enhancements to GAP for Low Energy

    • Attribute Protocol (ATT)

    • Generic Attribute profile (GATT)

    • Security Manager (SM)

6.2. Removed features

No features were removed in v4.0.

7. Changes from v4.0 to v4.1

7.1. New features

Several new features are introduced in the version 4.1. The major areas of improvement are:

  • BR/EDR Secure Connections

  • Train nudging

  • Generalized interlaced scan

  • Low duty cycle directed advertising

  • 32-bit UUID support in LE

  • LE dual mode topology

  • Piconet clock adjustment

  • LE L2CAP connection-oriented channel support

  • LE privacy v1.1

  • LE Link Layer topology

  • LE ping

7.1.1. Features added in CSA 4 – integrated in v4.1
  • Connectionless Peripheral Broadcast

  • Unencrypted unicast connectionless data support

  • Fast advertising interval

  • eSCO reserved slots clarification

7.1.2. Features added in CSA 3 – integrated in v4.1
  • MWS coexistence HCI changes

  • GAP connection parameters changes

  • GAP authentication and lost bond

  • Dual mode addressing

  • Private address changes

  • Common profile and service error code changes

  • MWS coexistence signaling

  • Wireless coexistence interface 1 (WCI-1) transport specification

  • Wireless coexistence interface 2 (WCI-2) transport specification

7.1.3. Features added in CSA 2 – integrated in v4.1
  • Limited discovery time changes

  • EIR and AD data types in GAP

  • Audio architecture HCI changes

  • Audio architecture USB changes

  • 802.11n enhancements to the 802.11 PAL

7.2. Removed features

No features were removed in v4.1.

8. Changes from v4.1 to v4.2

8.1. New features

Several new features are introduced in version 4.2. The major areas of improvement are:

  • LE Data Packet Length Extension

  • LE Secure Connections

  • Link Layer privacy

  • Link Layer Extended Scanner Filter policies

8.2. Errata incorporated in v4.2

Table 8.1 lists the integrated ESR08 errata items and also some ESR09 items, without test impact, which were added to v4.2 prior to the ESR09 release.



Global / Several Parts

5782, 6001

V0B: Compliance Req.


V1A: Architecture Overview

4767, 4768, 4858, 5526, 5531, 5742, 5748

5965, 6086

V2A: Radio


V2B: Baseband

2645, 2668, 3909, 4997, 5185, 5447, 5636

5829, 5875, 5966


4934, 5118. 5756

5754, 5802, 5815, 5816, 5817, 5818, 5819

V2D: Error Codes

5645, 5660



4998, 5097, 5186, 5286, 5340, 5358, 5397, 5416, 5589, 5630, 5637, 5660, 5736, 5737, 5738

5000, 5174, 5247, 5821, 5822, 5826, 5828, 5859, 5907, 5926, 5927, 5935, 5959, 5960




V2G: Sample Data

V2H: Security Spec.

4815, 4830, 4903


2765, 3253, 3767, 3768, 3901, 3902, 3903, 4603, 4734, 4735, 4776, 5419






2341, 4087, 4778, 4895, 4935, 4936, 5618, 5441, 5051

5803, 5938, 5939, 5964, 5989




3817, 4358, 5116, 5117

V3H: Security Manager


V4B: USB Transport Layer


V6A: Physical Layer


V6B: Link Layer

5231, 5232, 5233, 5234, 5235, 5236, 5307, 5360, 5419, 5428, 5526, 5577, 5653, 5656, 5706, 5707, 5720, 5721, 5722, 5723

5824, 5922, 5947, 5950, 5954, 5994, 6116

V6C: Sample Data



4797, 4798


V6F: Direct Test Mode

4834, 5749, 5751

V7A: MWS Coexistence Logical Signaling


V7B: WCI-1 Transport

5004, 5619

Table 8.1: Errata integrated in v4.2

9. Changes from v4.2 to v5.0

9.1. New features

Several new features are introduced in version 5.0. The major areas of improvement are:

  • Slot Availability Mask (SAM)

  • 2 Msym/s PHY for LE

  • LE Long Range

  • High Duty Cycle Non-Connectable Advertising

  • LE Advertising Extensions

  • LE Channel Selection Algorithm #2

9.1.1. Features added in CSA5 - integrated in v5.0
  • Higher Output Power

9.2. Removed features

The following features were removed in this version of the specification:

  • Park State

9.3. Privacy errata

The Privacy errata shown in Table 9.1 have been resolved and integrated in this version of the specification.




In Table 9.3, C1 condition should be removed


Invalid behavior with resolving address list not clear in Core or Test Spec


Statement mismatch between procedure description and figure


Unclear when to use LE Directed Advertising Report event or LE Advertising Report event


Defining scanner’s device address in “Scanner filter policy”


Usage of peer address type not clear in privacy 1.2


LE Enhanced Connection Complete event


Central Address Resolution Char in LE Peripheral


Advertiser is not required to check AdvA


AdvA not well defined in SCAN_RSP pdu, when privacy 1.2 enabled


HCI command name mismatch


When an advertiser device (or scanning performing active scanning) using privacy and Controller based resolvable private address generation is supposed to answer to a scan request (or advertising) received?


Privacy Mode not clearly defined


LE Directed Advertising Report event - Order of parameters


How does Adv respond to RPA in Connect Req when there’s no IRK and no WL

Table 9.1: Privacy errata

9.4. Errata incorporated in v5.0

Table 9.2 lists the integrated ESR09 and ESR10 errata items.



Global / Several Parts

5782, 6001, 6334

6570, 6751, 6855. 7076

V0B: Bluetooth Compliance Requirements

6360, 6717

V1A: Architecture Overview

5900, 5965, 6086, 6120, 6193, 6240, 6242, 6277, 6284, 6288, 6290, 6303, 6361, 6363, 6364

6356, 6421, 6465, 6524, 6529, 6558, 6603, 6604, 6766, 6922, 7030, 7031, 7301

V1B: Acronyms & Abbreviations

6277, 6349


V1C: Change History

6195, 6318

V1E: IEEE Language

6208, 6381

6421, 6422, 7521

V2A: Radio

6199, 6547

V2B: Baseband

5829, 5875, 5966, 6096, 6193, 6277, 6350

6421, 6443, 6446, 6480, 6505, 6523, 6531, 6537, 6618, 6646, 6647, 6668, 6714, 6721, 6749, 6953, 6964


5753, 5754, 5802, 5815, 5816, 5817, 5818, 5819, 6114, 6175, 6176, 6177, 6193, 6210, 6277, 6289, 6291, 6295, 6332, 6339, 6388, 6389, 6404

4783, 6447, 6531, 6606, 6735, 6773, 6776, 6852

V2D: Error Codes

5112, 5511, 5814, 6305, 6309



4354, 5000, 5174, 5247, 5266, 5821, 5822, 5826, 5828, 5859, 5905, 5907, 5926, 5927, 5935, 5959, 5960, 6072, 6110, 6115, 6211, 6265, 6277, 6278, 6286, 6293, 6301, 6302, 6326, 6338, 6339, 6374, 6409, 6419, 6420

4761, 4999, 5003, 6007, 6182, 6247, 6356, 6399, 6421, 6451, 6452, 6493, 6508, 6531, 6532, 6534, 6536, 6541, 6556, 6559, 6563, 6566, 6568, 6576, 6629, 6672, 6689, 6709, 6716, 6722, 6749, 6752, 6767, 6797, 6807, 6856, 6857, 6882, 6886, 6910, 6914, 6918, 6927, 6939, 6986, 6997, 6998, 7017, 7021, 7024, 7045, 7067, 7068, 7069, 7077, 7372


5762, 5875, 6212, 6286, 6319

5089, 6218, 6428, 6531

V2H: Security Specification

6194, 6359

5791, 5792, 5882, 6421, 6902, 6906, 6907


5459, 5465, 5466, 5467, 5648, 5666, 5805, 5987, 6108, 6121, 6277, 6307, 6333

3548, 6417, 6421, 6567, 6702, 6898, 6939


5257, 6308

6421, 6694


4958, 5562, 5786, 5803, 5821, 5938, 5939, 5964, 5989, 6166, 6167, 6168, 6215, 6217, 6222, 6313, 6405, 6411

4348, 4777, 4872, 4919, 5110, 5399, 5407, 5418, 5433, 5435, 5708, 5778, 6214, 6356, 6401, 6421, 6439, 6502, 6510, 6574, 6575, 6599, 6732, 6745, 6764, 6897, 7032, 7033, 7354, 7355

V3D:Test Support

6421, 6525, 7075


5953, 6006, 6132, 6357

4243, 5107, 5610, 5919, 6098, 6575


4253, 4836, 5059, 6251

4654, 5242, 5359, 5383, 5717, 5718, 5719, 6575, 6582, 7028, 7065, 7066, 7072

V3H: Security Manager

4793, 4794, 5427, 5625, 6050, 6207, 6405

4796, 6219, 6421, 6436, 6729, 6796, 6824, 6946, 7461

V4A: UART Transport


V4B: USB Transport Layer



V5A: 802.11 Protocol Adaptation

6421, 7036

V6A: Physical Layer

6118, 6156


V6B: Link Layer

5174, 5534, 5745, 5824, 5922, 5947, 5950, 5954, 5986, 5994, 6116, 6119, 6123, 6131, 6153, 6164, 6167, 6168, 6188, 6192, 6197, 6268, 6294, 6306, 6310, 6311, 6321, 6331, 6339, 6345, 6371, 6384

6182, 6352, 6356, 6421, 6455, 6469, 6471, 6517, 6518, 6531, 6553, 6577, 6586, 6664, 6672, 6697, 6710, 6733, 6734, 6821, 6847, 6913, 6939, 6947, 6962, 6963, 6984, 7003, 7025, 7034, 7080, 7081, 7106, 7153

V6C: Sample Data



6032, 6269

6563, 6672, 6847

V6E: LE Link Layer Security


V6F: Direct Test Mode


6619, 6793, 6798, 7005, 7029

V7A: MWS Coexistence Logical Signaling



V7B: Wireless Coexistence

Interface 1


V7C: Wireless Coexistence

Interface 2


Table 9.2: Errata integrated in v5.0

Table 9.3 lists the integrated ESR11 errata items.


Global / Several Parts

7238, 7239, 7340

V0C: Revision History and Acknowledgments


V1A: Architecture Overview

7421, 7422, 7423, 7484, 7772, 7777, 7980

V1B: Acronyms & Abbreviations

7777, 7895

V1C: Change History


V1D: Mixing of Spec Versions

7351, 7358

V1E: IEEE Language

V2A: Radio

7278, 7526, 7662, 7777

V2B: Baseband

7304, 7305, 7320, 7651, 7777


7145, 7284, 7285, 7292, 7320, 7367, 7713

V2D: Error Codes

7293, 8039


7143, 7158, 7185, 7187, 7217, 7218, 7234, 7262, 7274, 7326, 7334, 7375, 7396, 7458, 7485, 7504, 7644, 7650, 7706, 7716, 7717, 7821, 7835, 7851, 7867, 7871, 7900, 7991, 8090




7115, 7116, 7527, 7869




7873, 8024

V3D:Test Support





7159, 7160, 7737, 7891, 7896, 7897, 8051, 8055

V3H: Security Manager

7226, 7320, 7469

V5A: 802.11 Protocol Adaptation

7875, 7876, 7878

V6A: Physical Layer

7408, 7777

V6B: Link Layer

7122, 7152, 7195, 7209, 7269, 7320, 7321, 7330, 7331, 7481, 7482, 7630, 7686, 7720, 7777, 7791, 7809, 7995, 8031



V6F: Direct Test Mode

7156, 7281, 7696

V7A: MWS Coexistence Logical Signaling


Table 9.3: Errata integrated in v5.0

10. Changes from v5.0 to v5.1

10.1. New features

Several new features are introduced in v5.1. The major areas of improvement are:

  • Angle of Arrival (AoA) and Angle of Departure (AoD)

  • Advertising Channel Index

  • GATT Caching

  • Minor Enhancements batch 1

    • HCI support for debug keys in LE Secure Connections

    • Sleep clock accuracy update mechanism

    • ADI field in scan response data

    • Interaction between QoS and Flow Specification

    • Host channel classification for secondary advertising

    • Allow the SID to appear in scan response reports

    • Specify the behavior when rules are violated

  • Periodic Advertising Sync Transfer

10.1.1. Features added in CSA6 – integrated in v5.1
  • Models

  • Mesh-based model hierarchy

10.2. Removed features

The following features were removed in this version of the specification:

  • Unit keys

10.3. Security erratum

Erratum 10734, which introduces new security requirements relating to pairing, has been resolved and integrated in this version of the specification.

10.4. Errata incorporated in v5.1

Table 10.1 lists the integrated ESR errata items.



Global / Several Parts

8407, 9085, 9088, 10278

V0C: Appendix


V1A: Architecture Overview

8132, 8211, 8218, 8347, 8632, 8804, 8808

9413, 9495, 9619, 9656, 9727, 9790, 10049, 10241, 10245, 10349

V1B: Acronyms & Abbreviations


V1C: Change History


V1D: Mixing of Spec Versions


V1E: General Terminology


9222, 9223, 9499, 10295

V2A: Radio


V2B: Baseband

8153, 8184, 8185, 8187, 8188, 8211, 8218, 8531, 8552, 8555, 8562

9477, 9479, 9584, 9854, 9998, 10150, 10191, 10242, 10246, 10291


8180, 8185, 8221, 8224, 8355, 8364, 8366, 8367, 8368, 8406, 8533, 8554, 8702, 8911

8407, 8423, 9477, 9479, 9649, 9765, 9793, 10051, 10147, 10197, 10224, 10392, 10645

V2D: Error Codes



8106, 8117, 8134, 8149, 8170, 8172, 8176, 8181, 8202, 8236, 8262, 8267, 8329, 8352, 8387, 8522, 8531, 8556, 8557, 8559, 8560, 8561, 8562, 8596, 8597, 8621, 8622, 8647, 8649, 8650, 8651, 8653, 8654, 8658, 8660, 8661, 8689, 8752, 8848, 8858, 8859, 8868, 8909, 8914, 8920, 8932, 8934, 8953, 8970, 9044, 9106

8407, 9085, 9159, 9160, 9165, 9220, 9297, 9303, 9323, 9386, 9396, 9398, 9413, 9432, 9477, 9479, 9548, 9560, 9561, 9563, 9564, 9603, 9615, 9657, 9658, 9661, 9663, 9703, 9709, 9778, 9794, 9865, 9866, 9902, 9970, 10067, 10095, 10120, 10150, 10338, 10348, 10380, 10383, 10433, 10447, 10528, 10535, 10567, 10689, 10827



V2H: Security


9479, 9653, 10141, 10224, 10313, 10594, 10673


8419, 8562

9477, 9479, 10052,10154, 10170, 10216, 10847



9317, 10171, 10773


8229, 8230, 8232, 8354, 9098, 9107

9370, 9371, 9391, 9592, 9692, 10183, 10399, 10401, 10412, 10418, 10691

V3D:Test Support

8135, 8562

9477, 10147, 10410




8208, 8412



8562, 8563

9477, 9495, 9612, 9825, 9836, 9837, 10207

V3H: Security Manager

8562, 9074

9391, 9592, 9653, 9867, 10141

V4D: Three-wire UART


V5A: 802.11 Protocol Adaptation


9479, 10446

V6A: Physical Layer

V6B: Link Layer

8001, 8097, 8180, 8203, 8204, 8228, 8246, 8249, 8250, 8278, 8300, 8315, 8324, 8365, 8387, 8424, 8425, 8431, 8432, 8433, 8447, 8564, 8595, 8598, 8699, 8745, 8773, 8801, 8803, 8812, 8854, 9056, 9060

9162, 9205, 9277, 9328, 9382, 9391, 9411, 9433, 9479, 9484, 9524, 9556, 9603, 9676, 9679, 9754, 9806, 9820, 9870, 9958, 9967, 9972, 9984, 10001, 10002, 10013, 10073, 10103, 10139, 10205, 10260, 10266, 10336, 10387, 10390, 10402, 10660, 10692, 10693, 10701, 10828, 11179

V6C: Sample Data

8179, 8235


8299, 8313, 8314, 8316, 8322, 8624, 8917, 9106

9432, 9603, 10631

V6F: Direct Test Mode

8619, 8543, 9011


V7A: MWS Coexistence Logical Signaling

Table 10.1: Errata integrated in v5.1

11. Changes from v5.1 to v5.2

11.1. New features

Several new features are introduced in v5.2. The major areas of improvement are:

  • LE Isochronous Channels

  • Enhanced Attribute Protocol

  • LE Power Control

11.2. Security erratum

Erratum 11838, which introduces new security requirements and recommendations relating to encryption key size on BR/EDR, has been resolved and integrated in this version of the specification.

11.3. Errata incorporated in v5.2

Table 11.1 lists the integrated errata items.


Global / Several Parts

V0A: Consolidated Table of Contents


V0C: Revision History and Acknowledgments

V1A: Architecture Overview

10961, 11422, 11529, 12232

V1B: Acronyms & Abbreviations

V1C: Change History

V1D: Mixing of Spec Versions


V1E: General Terminology

8544, 10987

V1F: Controller Error Codes

V2A: Radio

V2B: Baseband

11234, 11422, 11499, 11911, 11973, 11974, 12035, 12057, 12445


8544, 10939, 10993, 11505, 11838, 11921, 12057


10972, 11070

V2H: Security

11909, 11910, 11911


11505, 11506, 11673, 11679, 12434, 12275




6375, 10940, 11118, 11419, 11838, 12275, 12377

V3D:Test Support



11112, 12105


10925, 10926, 10937, 11187, 12210, 12275, 12070

V3H: Security Manager


V4D: Three-wire UART


8544, 10825, 10861, 10962, 10972, 10985, 10987, 11044, 11117, 11124, 11205, 11226, 11280, 11346, 11347, 11348, 11356, 11391, 11471, 11505, 11589, 11590, 11591, 11602, 11615, 11616, 11636, 11763, 11768, 11769, 11838, 11933, 12152, 12245, 12338, 12420, 12434, 12450, 12458, 12493, 12481, 12057, 12640

V5A: 802.11 Protocol Adaptation

V6A: Physical Layer


V6B: Link Layer

10909, 10951, 10957, 11021, 11049, 11066, 11084, 11308, 11355, 11357, 11386, 11443, 11482, 11485, 11498, 11499, 11505, 11602, 11640, 11701, 11828, 12232, 12236, 12263, 13012

V6C: Sample Data

11330, 11357



V6E: Low Energy Link Layer

11551, 11649, 11683

V6F: Direct Test Mode

10984, 11731

V7A: MWS Coexistence Logical Signaling


Table 11.1: Errata integrated in v5.2

12. Changes from v5.2 to v5.3

12.1. New features

Several new features are introduced in v5.3. The major areas of improvement are:

  • AdvDataInfo in Periodic Advertising

  • Host to Controller Encryption Key Control Enhancements

  • LE Enhanced Connection Update

  • LE Channel Classification

12.2. Removed Features

The following features were removed in this version of the specification:

  • Alternative MAC/PHY

  • AMP Manager protocol (A2MP)

  • L2CAP Enhancements for AMP

  • 802.11 PAL

  • 802.11n Enhancements to the 802.11 PAL

12.3. Errata incorporated in v5.3

Table 12.1 lists the integrated errata items.


Global / Several Parts

11426, 11695, 12596, 14641, 15243, 15634

Front matter

15851, 16794

V0A: Consolidated Table of Contents


V0B: Bluetooth Compliance Requirements

12495, 13250, 15754, 15874, 16979

V0C: Revision History and Acknowledgments

12495, 15631, 15632, 16032, 16312, 16605, 17067

V1A: Architecture Overview

10421, 11289, 11421, 11424, 11733, 11925, 11927, 12348, 12495, 14689, 14866, 15301, 15315, 15379, 15461, 15525, 15526, 15527, 15533, 15583, 16013, 16113, 16209, 16506, 16614, 16671, 16794, 16817, 16825, 16833, 16980, 17139

V1B: Acronyms & Abbreviations

10860, 11747, 12495, 15189

V1C: Change History

10860, 12495, 14930, 15368, 16032, 16163

V1D: Mixing of Spec Versions

12495, 14945, 15055, 15850, 16065

V1E: General Terminology

10306, 10419, 11702, 12495, 13190, 13500, 14670, 14705, 14773, 14972, 15368, 15461, 15583, 15851, 16163, 16635, 16671, 16672, 16794, 16843, 16906

V1F: Controller Error Codes

11747, 12495, 12664, 12720, 13346

V2A: Radio

11289, 11424, 12654, 13254, 15065, 15201, 15306, 16404, 16981

V2B: Baseband

10860, 11289, 11421, 11751, 12348, 13150, 13180, 13528, 14732, 14866, 14972, 15131, 15282, 15306, 15334, 15461, 15583, 15607, 15633, 15642, 15670, 15833, 15851, 16209, 16380, 16673, 16794, 16817


10419, 10860, 11421, 11424, 11747, 12093, 12589, 12908, 13147, 13167, 13180, 13195, 13417, 13473, 14646, 14689, 14790, 15039, 15115, 15117, 15162, 15176, 15220, 15273, 15334, 15388, 15467, 15541, 15583, 15639, 15834, 15851, 16500, 16566, 16794


10860, 11289, 11895, 12187, 15197, 15464, 15583, 15630, 16191, 16572, 16646, 16817

V2G: Sample Data

10860, 15547, 15851, 16981, 17025

V2H: Security

10860, 11424, 12068, 12348, 12880, 13169, 13265, 13450, 15198, 15215, 15280, 15306, 15307, 15308, 15389, 15548, 15549, 15583, 15642, 15668, 15671, 15734, 15851, 16981, 16986


10860, 11289, 11421, 11895, 12713, 13147, 13151, 13185, 13235, 14605, 14749, 15254, 15256, 15306, 15313, 15323, 15461, 15554, 15578, 15583, 15630, 15833, 15850, 15851, 15944, 16065, 16116, 16187, 16188, 16191, 16266, 16493, 16518, 16549, 16550, 16794, 16817, 16982, 17046


10419, 11421, 11751, 12800, 13472, 15274, 16635, 16982, 16989


10419, 10860, 11289, 11421, 11787, 12322, 12348, 12379, 12725, 12973, 13147, 13152, 13162, 13182, 13184, 13186, 13187, 13188, 13335, 13336, 13406, 13407, 13425, 13603, 14797, 14896, 15006, 15039, 15255, 15302, 15314, 15334, 15384, 15385, 15400, 15403, 15406, 15408, 15497, 15546, 15583, 15630, 15831, 15850, 15851, 15871, 15944, 16198, 16209, 16310, 16381, 16471, 16506, 16517, 16518, 16536, 16557, 16609, 16982

V3D:Test Support

10860, 15409


11421, 13236, 16065


10843, 13147, 13183, 13184, 13255, 13305, 13511, 13530, 14761, 14819, 14988, 15832, 16018, 16494, 16495, 16505, 16794, 16817, 16982


10419, 10843, 11925, 12348, 12526, 13067, 13147, 13153, 13184, 13189, 13247, 13263, 13304, 13307, 13332, 13418, 14988, 15142, 15334, 15550, 15586, 15764, 15831, 15850, 16178, 16188, 16266, 16479, 16505, 16671, 16759, 16920

V3H: Security Manager

10860, 11293, 11424, 12348, 12880, 13147, 13276, 13408, 14708, 14964, 15198, 15310, 15314, 15315, 15555, 15583, 15642, 15668, 15850, 15851, 16305

V4A: UART Transport Layer

14674, 16983

V4B: USB Transport Layer

11289, 11421

V4C: Secure Digital (SD) Transport Layer

V4D: Three-wire UART



10419, 10860, 11421, 11424, 11702, 11747, 11754, 11764, 11895, 12036, 12093, 12253, 12313, 12379, 12517, 12598, 12599, 12604, 12664, 12693, 12802, 12863, 12866, 12956, 13029, 13081, 13104, 13139, 13142, 13143, 13148, 13177, 13246, 13252, 13253, 13261, 13278, 13286, 13287, 13293, 13321, 13344, 13346, 13374, 13375, 13376, 13377, 13379, 13426, 13438, 13473, 13498, 13527, 13533, 13534, 13536, 13542, 13546, 13570, 13582, 13597, 14615, 14617, 14636, 14650, 14651, 14655, 14665, 14700, 14706, 14713, 14714, 14741, 14747, 14770, 14771, 14824, 14830, 14831, 14834, 14841, 14867, 14871, 14893, 14895, 14901, 14909, 14916, 14934, 14957, 14969, 14980, 14984, 14998, 15007, 15010, 15021, 15030, 15031, 15032, 15034, 15035, 15039, 15059, 15062, 15075, 15109, 15111, 15132, 15152, 15174, 15190, 15204, 15223, 15233, 15275, 15281, 15282, 15288, 15305, 15310, 15311, 15334, 15378, 15380, 15382, 15412, 15413, 15461, 15471, 15496, 15507, 15508, 15509, 15513, 15524, 15526, 15553, 15570, 15583, 15590, 15592, 15593, 15597, 15622, 15633, 15640, 15643, 15651, 15695, 15728, 15732, 15745, 15752, 15816, 15826, 15837, 15843, 15850, 15851, 15964, 16015, 16058, 16101, 16125, 16129, 16133, 16142, 16164, 16167, 16180, 16191, 16238, 16287, 16288, 16299, 16318, 16329, 16330, 16331, 16359, 16381, 16397, 16435, 16445, 16480, 16504, 16506, 16538, 16561, 16584, 16610, 16612, 16635, 16636, 16656, 16674, 16681, 16793, 16794, 16796, 16822, 16817, 16913, 16915, 16983

V5A: 802.11 Protocol Adaptation

11421, 12253, 13473, 15523

V6A: Physical Layer

12313, 13254, 15065, 15306, 15461, 15851, 16372, 16984

V6B: Link Layer

11164, 11421, 11668, 11702, 11895, 12102, 12250, 12251, 12252, 12313, 12325, 12379, 12664, 12802, 12955, 13089, 13155, 13178, 13179, 13184, 13212, 13251, 13260, 13374, 13387, 13512, 13523, 13526, 13534, 13591, 13603, 14604, 14615, 14655, 14665, 14676, 14680, 14681, 14698, 14699, 14707, 14746, 14750, 14770, 14777, 14779, 14831, 14835, 14842, 14851, 14854, 14855, 14911, 14922, 14934, 14958, 14969, 14979, 15007, 15010, 15021, 15027, 15042, 15059, 15062, 15070, 15096, 15145, 15200, 15204, 15223, 15235, 15286, 15288, 15292, 15300, 15303, 15317, 15426, 15428, 15429, 15495, 15497, 15518, 15579, 15583, 15584, 15630, 15642, 15659, 15711, 15742, 15816, 15818, 15825, 15835, 15839, 15850, 15851, 15894, 15999, 16039, 16067, 16093, 16101, 16114, 16210, 16251, 16282, 16287, 16346, 16347, 16359, 16363, 16372, 16381, 16442, 16506, 16537, 16553, 16554, 16610, 16618, 16657, 16671, 16675, 16681, 16731, 16794, 16817, 16984

V6C: Sample Data

11895, 12197, 15200


10860, 12345, 12922, 14721, 14747, 14934, 15007, 15021, 15147, 15223, 15305, 15401, 15579, 15583, 15630, 15691, 15999, 16817, 16984, 17046

V6E: Low Energy Link Layer

12068, 16039, 16093, 16681

V6F: Direct Test Mode

V6G: Isochronous Adaptation Layer

12797, 13082, 13083, 13085, 13086, 13251, 13316, 13533, 14665, 14771, 14897, 14901, 15304, 15658, 15672, 15851, 15963, 16278, 16817

V7A: MWS Coexistence Logical Signaling

V7B: Wireless Coexistence Interface 1 (WCI-1) Transport Specification

11987, 11988

V7C: Wireless Coexistence Interface 2 (WCI-2) Transport Specification

Table 12.1: Errata integrated in v5.3

12.4. Global terminology changes

Certain terms that were identified as inappropriate have been replaced. As a consequence, some other terms have also been changed to retain consistency and some HCI command and event names had consequential changes. For a list of the original terms and names and their replacements, see the Appropriate Language Mapping Tables,

These terminology changes were made under the following issues: 15328, 15334, 15336, 15338, 15342, 15343, 15344, 15345, 15346, 15347, 15348, 15349, 15350, 15351, 15352, 15353, 15354, 15355, 15356, 15357, 15358, 15359, 15360, 15361, 15362, 15363, 15389, 15529, 15531.

13. Changes from v5.3 to v5.4

13.1. New features

Several new features are introduced in v5.4. The major areas of improvement are:

  • Advertising Coding Selection

  • Encrypted Advertising Data

  • LE GATT Security Levels Characteristic

  • Periodic Advertising with Responses

13.2. Removed features

No features were removed in v5.4.

13.3. Errata incorporated in v5.4

Table 13.1 lists the integrated errata items.


Global / Several Parts

17307, 20357, 20589

Front matter


V0A: Consolidated Table of Contents

V0B: Bluetooth Compliance Requirements

15534, 20402, 22281

V0C: Version History and Acknowledgments

17026, 17070, 19267, 19268, 19269, 20567, 22267, 22438

V1A: Architecture Overview

15535, 16097, 16927, 16940, 17231, 17232, 17332, 17366, 17464, 17746, 17755, 18603, 18654, 18765, 19112, 19149, 19206, 20369, 20604, 22220 22281

V1B: Acronyms & Abbreviations

17085, 17232, 17332, 18234, 19032, 19284, 20369

V1C: Change History

17232, 17332, 17993, 18302, 19025

V1D: Mixing of Spec Versions

15535, 17332

V1E: General Terminology

16542, 17028, 17090, 17888, 18234, 19202, 22345, 22439

V1F: Controller Error Codes

17332, 19090, 19198

V2A: Radio

17036, 17249, 20635

V2B: Baseband

15536, 15605, 17031, 17083, 17085, 17578, 17708, 17830, 17849, 18344, 19206


10969, 17031, 17083, 17532, 17565, 17591, 19206, 20605


10969, 15536, 17039, 17391, 17566, 18068, 18946, 22220

V2G: Sample Data

10969, 17034

V2H: Security

15536, 16988, 17031, 17083, 17084, 17085, 17113, 17226, 17339, 17567, 22220


10969, 15248, 15537, 16591, 17042, 17043, 17044, 17050, 17051, 17085, 17232, 17319, 17332, 17464, 17468, 17560, 17568, 17580, 17709, 17849, 18303, 18341, 18343, 19054, 19098, 19206, 20635, 22220, 22441


10969, 15537, 17050, 17569, 17980


10969, 15537, 17044, 17050, 17214, 17332, 17398, 17470, 17571, 17702, 17832, 17946, 18083, 18234, 18303, 18668, 18766, 18819, 18820, 18896, 18905, 18962, 19042, 19093, 19149, 20369, 20374, 20385, 20420, 20452, 20605, 20606, 22185, 22193, 22220, 22222, 22441

V3D:Test Support

17083, 17572, 189051, 19217




10969, 16963, 17013, 17232, 17332, 17354, 17358, 17383, 17466, 17573, 17730, 19088, 22220


15248, 15537, 16947, 16962, 17232, 17332, 17574, 17698, 19169, 19194, 24889

V3H: Security Manager

10969, 15537, 16988, 17044, 17085, 17113, 17575, 17732, 18014, 18283, 19324, 22220

V4A: UART Transport Layer

V4B: USB Transport Layer

15538, 17064, 17332, 17529

V4C: Secure Digital (SD) Transport Layer


V4D: Three-wire UART

15538, 17085, 17107


15538, 16591, 16769, 16775, 16778, 16850, 16908, 16934, 16966, 16998, 17021, 17032, 17055, 17057, 17058, 17061, 17062, 17063, 17065, 17069, 17108, 17125, 17332, 17404, 17407, 17412, 17433, 17451, 17456, 17469, 17510, 17646, 17697, 17702, 17762, 17849, 17947, 18023, 18024, 18047, 18068, 18094, 18194, 18229, 18230, 18280, 18311, 18331, 18378, 18401, 18450, 18453, 18515, 18538, 18567, 18578, 18608, 18615, 18625, 18626, 18640, 18644, 18655, 18661, 18680, 18685, 18686, 18690, 18784, 18785, 18989, 18990, 19007, 19009, 19021, 19026, 19035, 19036, 19038, 19055, 19058, 19062, 19063, 19065, 19066, 19090, 19112, 19127, 19149, 19163, 19185, 19186, 19197, 19198, 19206, 19211, 19215, 19238, 20392, 20424, 20430, 20482, 20487, 22140, 22220, 22240, 22251, 22272, 22281, 22376, 22442

V5A: 802.11 Protocol Adaptation

V6A: Physical Layer

17052, 18446, 18460, 18627, 20635, 20636, 22443

V6B: Link Layer

10969, 16097, 16591, 16878, 17052, 17083, 17085, 17089, 17234, 17332, 17352, 17356, 17361, 17390, 17433, 17489, 17509, 17531, 17583, 17702, 17849, 17971, 17991, 18070, 18100, 18226, 18233, 18234, 18267, 18311, 18456, 18476, 18555, 18566, 18567, 18632, 18648, 18653, 18701, 18742, 18766, 18805, 18833, 18834, 18970, 18989, 18990, 19007, 19026, 19060, 19080, 19087, 19089, 19112, 19132, 19149, 19151, 19200, 19206, 19238, 19266, 20385, 20389, 20401, 20444, 20447, 20472, 20499, 20605, 20624, 22169, 22170, 22219, 22220, 22371, 22443

V6C: Sample Data



10969, 15539, 17039, 17440, 17576, 17616, 18068, 18602, 18701, 20389, 20500, 22220

V6E: Low Energy Link Layer

16988, 17548, 20635, 22178

V6F: Direct Test Mode

17083, 17090, 17231, 17577, 20409

V6G: Isochronous Adaptation Layer

17090, 17462, 18001, 18002, 19149, 20476, 22281

V7A: MWS Coexistence Logical Signaling


V7B: Wireless Coexistence Interface 1 (WCI-1) Transport Specification

10969, 19044, 22444

V7C: Wireless Coexistence Interface 2 (WCI-2) Transport Specification

17332, 19044, 22444

Table 13.1: Errata integrated in v5.4

14. Changes from v5.4 to v6.0

14.1. New features

Several new features are introduced in v6.0. The major areas of improvement are:

  • Channel Sounding, including Channel Sounding HCI Updates

  • LL Extended Feature Set

  • Decision-Based Advertising Filtering

  • Enhancements for ISOAL

  • Monitoring Advertisers

  • Frame Space Update

14.2. Removed features

No features were removed in v6.0.

14.3. Errata incorporated in v6.0

Table 14.1 lists the integrated errata items.


Global / Several Parts

23618, 25794

V0A: Consolidated Table of Contents

V0B: Bluetooth Compliance Requirements


V0C: Revision History and Acknowledgments

19321, 24281, 24284, 25264, 25429, 25553, 25794, 25795

V0D: Core Configurations


V1A: Architecture Overview

17027, 18534, 22197, 22270, 22397, 22504, 22579, 22875, 22957, 22960, 23262, 23649, 23704, 24040, 24238, 24401, 24433, 24434, 24461, 24541, 24811, 25429, 25605

V1B: Acronyms & Abbreviations

22504, 23034, 24434, 25605, 25658

V1C: Change History

22489, 25795

V1D: Mixing of Spec Versions

23635, 25171, 25181, 25429

V1E: General Terminology

16543, 18534, 22270, 23135, 23548, 24044, 24798, 24800

V1F: Controller Error Codes

18534, 23446, 24855

V2A: Radio

22270, 23548, 23620, 24457, 25101, 25429, 25605

V2B: Baseband

17250, 17736, 22270, 23034, 23054, 23127, 23508, 23549, 23624, 23635, 23983, 25658


15466, 18534, 18960, 20613, 22262, 22270, 22504, 22839, 22926, 23064, 23219, 23578, 23579, 23739, 23983, 24042, 24171, 24284, 24402, 24582, 24675, 24786, 25101, 25429, 25658


22488, 22489, 22490, 24617

V2G: Sample Data

24573, 24797, 25429

V2H: Security

17250, 17251, 17710, 20607, 22270, 22839, 23034, 23260, 23627, 23700, 24573, 24617, 25429, 25859


17049, 17250, 18534, 20607, 22270, 22534, 22535, 22594, 22641, 22693, 23048, 23991, 24217, 25429, 25605


16886, 20607, 22138, 22270, 22875, 23630, 23631, 24440


17049, 17874, 18082, 18534, 18703, 20657, 22255, 22289, 22492, 22589, 22726, 22783, 23034, 23190, 23303, 23635, 23704, 24057, 24058, 24202, 24312, 24394, 24440, 24461, 24493, 24617, 24620, 24762, 25021, 25429

V3D:Test Support

17250, 18534, 22270, 22504, 25429


22396, 22416, 22489, 22538, 22693, 23071, 23634, 24892, 25429, 25605


17355, 22270, 22487, 22693, 22894, 23537, 23635, 24126, 24247, 24440, 24473, 24580, 24889, 25021, 25429, 25605, 25658

V3H: Security Manager

17049, 22270, 22482, 23259, 23262, 23700, 24202, 24265, 24617, 25605





16886, 22504, 24607

V4D: Three-wire UART

17250, 22270, 23983


11058, 16543, 16886, 18552, 18960, 18973, 20515, 20556, 20607, 22167, 22181, 22192, 22262, 22270, 22341, 22342, 22353, 22373, 22385, 22393, 22397, 22447, 22448, 22474, 22494, 22495, 22504, 22539, 22540, 22550, 22561, 22580, 22620, 22658, 22667, 22678, 22691, 22709, 22791, 22844, 22851, 22856, 22857, 22869, 22882, 22906, 22918, 23069, 23070, 23100, 23108, 23129, 23157, 23166, 23180, 23194, 23195, 23202, 23203, 23204, 23217, 23242, 23262, 23310, 23394, 23397, 23408, 23428, 23446, 23486, 23488, 23602, 23610, 23690, 23705, 23740, 23896, 23899, 23914, 23982, 23983, 24009, 24032, 24039, 24082, 24083, 24110, 24111, 24114, 24115, 24121, 24125, 24140, 24200, 24230, 24238, 24285, 24286, 24293, 24298, 24313, 24316, 24397, 24401, 24421, 24443, 24446, 24461, 24467, 24507, 24541, 24607, 24637, 24662, 24688, 24691, 24693, 24719, 24783, 24784, 24787, 24793, 24811, 24834, 24848, 24855, 24870, 24876, 24880, 24903, 24916, 24921, 24932, 24989, 25021, 25041, 25046, 25047, 25107, 25124, 25125, 25171, 25178, 25181, 25183, 25220, 25221, 25263, 25283, 25328, 25381, 25382, 25384, 25395, 25407, 25409, 25429, 25457, 25460, 25461, 25474, 25478, 25481, 25493, 25543, 25545, 25583, 25605, 25610, 25658, 25795

V6A: Physical Layer

22270, 22332, 22552, 23034, 23704, 24018, 24401, 24461, 24541, 24607, 24871, 24976, 25060, 25106, 25132, 25429, 25605, 25669, 25846, 25859

V6B: Link Layer

16543, 17250, 17438, 17874, 18534, 18703, 18973, 20451, 20485, 20515, 20658, 22167, 22181, 22197, 22270, 22311, 22332, 22479, 22496, 22530, 22540, 22553, 22554, 22555, 22556, 22565, 22591, 22648, 22649, 22677, 22700, 22835, 22895, 22973, 23034, 23050, 23069, 23192, 23194, 23295, 23398, 23402, 23434, 23446, 23510, 23530, 23616, 23635, 23704, 23741, 23983, 24032, 24112, 24134, 24195, 24202, 24238, 24286, 24370, 24371, 24372, 24373, 24374, 24401, 24420, 24431, 24436, 24437, 24444, 24445, 24461, 24475, 24476, 24477, 24541, 24573, 24576, 24590, 24646, 24652, 24688, 24719, 24811, 24833, 24875, 24883, 24888, 24917, 25052, 25084, 25127, 25151, 25171, 25181, 25220, 25234, 25263, 25293, 25297, 25368, 25383, 25398, 25512, 25513, 25605, 25658, 25795

V6C: Sample Data

18534, 22928, 23220, 23617, 23619, 23704, 24112, 24284, 24297, 24308, 24378, 24866, 25127, 25165, 25173


24787, 25128, 25605

V6E: LE Link Layer Security

22270, 22584, 23398, 23704, 24377, 24383, 24385

V6F: Direct Test Mode

17250, 18534, 22270, 22504, 24401, 24442, 24607, 24647, 24763, 24787, 24823, 24833, 24935, 25429, 25434, 25557

V6G: Isochronous Adaptation Layer

20485, 20607, 22270, 22876, 23724, 23726, 24011, 24127, 24185, 24286, 24653, 24690, 24856

V6H: Channel Sounding

22270, 23154, 23155, 23414, 23423, 23464, 23518, 23704, 24018, 24064, 24152, 24296, 24320, 24401, 24434, 24541, 24575, 24607, 24638, 24647, 24795, 24796, 24811, 24916, 25058, 25060, 25072, 25126, 25172, 25293, 25296, 25425, 25542, 25605, 25658, 25674

V7A: MWS Coexistence Logical Signaling

18534, 22652

V7B: WCI-1


V7C: WCI-2


Table 14.1: Errata integrated in v6.0