• Version: v1.1

  • Version Date: 5 June 2003

1. Introduction

The RFCOMM protocol provides emulation of serial ports over the L2CAP protocol. The protocol is based on the ETSI standard TS 07.10. This document does not contain a complete specification. Instead, references are made to the relevant parts of the TS 07.10 standard. Only a subset of the TS 07.10 standard is used, and some adaptations of the protocol are specified in this document. Furthermore, an RFCOMM - specific extension is added, in the form of a mandatory credit based flow control scheme.

1.1. Overview

RFCOMM is a simple transport protocol, with additional provisions for emulating the 9 circuits of RS-232 (EIATIA-232-E) serial ports.

The RFCOMM protocol supports up to 60 simultaneous connections between two Bluetooth devices. The number of connections that can be used simultaneously in a Bluetooth device is implementation-specific.

1.2. Device Types

For the purposes of RFCOMM, a complete communication path involves two applications running on different devices (the communication endpoints) with a communication segment between them. Figure 1.1 shows the complete communication path. (In this context, the term application may mean other things than end-user application; e.g. higher layer protocols or other services acting on behalf of end-user applications.)

RFCOMM Communication Segment
Figure 1.1. RFCOMM Communication Segment

RFCOMM is intended to cover applications that make use of the serial ports of the devices in which they reside. In the simple configuration, the communication segment is a Bluetooth link from one device to another (direct connect), see Figure 1.2. Where the communication segment is another network, Bluetooth wireless technology is used for the path between the device and a network connection device like a modem. RFCOMM is only concerned with the connection between the devices in the direct connect case, or between the device and a modem in the network case. RFCOMM can support other configurations, such as modules that communicate via Bluetooth wireless technology on one side and provide a wired interface on the other side, as shown in Figure 1.3.

Basically two device types exist that RFCOMM must accommodate. Type 1 devices are communication end points such as computers and printers. Type 2 devices are those that are part of the communication segment; e.g. modems. Though RFCOMM does not make a distinction between these two device types in the protocol, accommodating both types of devices impacts the RFCOMM protocol.

RFCOMM Direct Connect
Figure 1.2. RFCOMM Direct Connect

RFCOMM used with legacy COMM device
Figure 1.3. RFCOMM used with legacy COMM device

The information transferred between two RFCOMM entities has been defined to support both type 1 and type 2 devices. Some information is only needed by type 2 devices while other information is intended to be used by both. In the protocol, no distinction is made between type 1 and type 2. It is therefore up to the RFCOMM implementers to determine if the information passed in the RFCOMM protocol is of use to the implementation. Since the device is not aware of the type of the other device in the communication path, each must pass on all available information specified by the protocol.

1.3. Byte Ordering

This document uses the same byte ordering as the TS 07.10 specification; i.e. all binary numbers are in Least Significant Bit to Most Significant Bit order, reading from left to right.

2. RFCOMM Service Overview

RFCOMM emulates RS-232 (EIATIA-232-E) serial ports. The emulation includes transfer of the state of the non-data circuits. RFCOMM has a built-in scheme for null modem emulation.

In the event that a baud rate is set for a particular port through the RFCOMM service interface, that will not affect the actual data throughput in RFCOMM; i.e. RFCOMM does not incur artificial rate limitation or pacing. However, if either device is a type 2 device (relays data onto other media), or if data pacing is done above the RFCOMM service interface in either or both ends, actual throughput will, on an average, reflect the baud rate setting.

RFCOMM supports emulation of multiple serial ports between two devices and also emulation of serial ports between multiple devices, see Section 2.3 on page 401.BNEP Overview

2.1. RS-232 Control Signals

RFCOMM emulates the 9 circuits of an RS-232 interface. The circuits are listed below.


Circuit Name


Signal Common


Transmit Data (TD)


Received Data (RD)


Request to Send (RTS)


Clear to Send (CTS)


Data Set Ready (DSR)


Data Terminal Ready (DTR)


Data Carrier Detect (CD)


Ring Indicator (RI)

Table 2.1. Emulated RS-232 circuits in RFCOMM

2.2. Null Modem Emulation

RFCOMM is based on TS 07.10. When it comes to transfer of the states of the non-data circuits, TS 07.10 does not distinguish between DTE and DCE devices. The RS-232 control signals are sent as a number of DTE/DCE independent signals, see Table 2.2.

TS 07.10 Signals

Corresponding RS-232 Control Signals









Table 2.2. TS 07.10 Serial Port Control Signals

The way in which TS 07.10 transfers the RS-232 control signals creates an implicit null modem when two devices of the same kind are connected together. Figure 2.1 shows the null modem that is created when two DTE are connected via RFCOMM. No single null-modem cable wiring scheme works in all cases; however the null modem scheme provided in RFCOMM should work in most cases.

RFCOMM DTE–DTE Null Modem Emulation
Figure 2.1. RFCOMM DTE–DTE Null Modem Emulation

2.3. Multiple Emulated Serial Ports

2.3.1. Multiple Emulated Serial Ports between two Devices

Two Bluetooth devices using RFCOMM in their communication may open multiple emulated serial ports. RFCOMM supports up to 60 open emulated ports; however the number of ports that can be used in a device is implementationspecific.

A Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI) [1] identifies an ongoing connection between a client and a server application. The DLCI is represented by 6 bits, but its usable value range is 2…61; in TS 07.10, DLCI 0 is the dedicated control channel, DLCI 1 is unusable due to the concept of Server Channels, and DLCI 62-63 is reserved. The DLCI is unique within one RFCOMM session between two devices. (This is explained further in Section 2.3.2) To account for the fact that both client and server applications may reside on both sides of an RFCOMM session, with clients on either side making connections independent of each other, the DLCI value space is divided between the two communicating devices using the concept of RFCOMM server channels. This is further described in Section 5.4.

Multiple Emulated Serial Ports.
Figure 2.2. Multiple Emulated Serial Ports.

2.3.2. Multiple Emulated Serial Ports and Multiple Bluetooth Devices

If a Bluetooth device supports multiple emulated serial ports and the connections are allowed to have endpoints in different Bluetooth devices, then the RFCOMM entity must be able to run multiple TS 07.10 multiplexer sessions, see Figure 2.3. Note that each multiplexer session is using its own L2CAP channel ID (CID). The ability to run multiple sessions of the TS 07.10 multiplexer is optional for RFCOMM.

Emulating serial ports coming from two Bluetooth devices.
Figure 2.3. Emulating serial ports coming from two Bluetooth devices.

3. Service Interface Description

RFCOMM is intended to define a protocol that can be used to emulate serial ports. In most systems, RFCOMM will be part of a port driver which includes a serial port emulation entity.

3.1. Service Definition Model

The figure below shows a model of how RFCOMM fits into a typical system. This figure represents the RFCOMM reference model.

RFCOMM reference model
Figure 3.1. RFCOMM reference model

The elements of the RFCOMM reference model are described below.




Applications that utilize a serial port communication interface

Port Emulation


The port emulation entity maps a system-specific communication interface (API) to the RFCOMM services. The port emulation entity plus RFCOMM make up a port driver


Provides a transparent data stream and control channel over an L2CAP channel. Multiplexes multiple emulated serial ports

Service Registration/


Server applications register here on local device, and it provides services for client applications to discover how to reach server applications on other devices


Protocol multiplexing, SAR


Baseband protocols defined by Bluetooth Specification

4. TS 07.10 Subset Supported by RFCOMM

4.1. Options and Modes

RFCOMM uses the basic option of TS 07.10.

4.2. Frame Types

Table 4.1 shows the TS 7.10 frame types that are supported in RFCOMM.

Frame Types

Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode (SABM) command

Unnumbered Acknowledgement (UA) response

Disconnected Mode (DM) response

Disconnect (DISC) command

Unnumbered information with header check (UIH) command and response

Table 4.1. Supported frame types in RFCOMM

The ’Unnumbered Information (UI) command and response’ are not supported by RFCOMM. Since the error recovery mode option of the TS 07.10 protocol is not used in RFCOMM none of the associated frame types are supported.

4.3. Commands

TS 07.10 defines a multiplexer that has a dedicated control channel, DLCI 0. The control channel is used to convey information between two multiplexers. The following commands in TS 07.10 are supported by RFCOMM:

Supported Control Channel Commands

Test Command (Test)

Flow Control On Command (Fcon)

Flow Control Off Command (Fcoff)

Modem Status Command (MSC)

Remote Port Negotiation Command (RPN)

Remote Line Status (RLS)

DLC parameter negotiation (PN)

Non Supported Command Response (NSC)

Whenever a non-supported command type is received a ’Non-Supported Command Response (NSC)’ should be sent.

4.4. Convergence Layers

RFCOMM only supports the type 1 convergence layer in TS 07.10.

The Modem Status Command (MSC) shall be used to convey the RS-232 control signals and the break signal for all emulated serial ports.

5. TS 07.10 Adaptations for RFCOMM

5.1. Media Adaptation

The opening flag and the closing flags in the 07.10 basic option frame are not used in RFCOMM, instead it is only the fields contained between the flags that are exchanged between the L2CAP layer and RFCOMM layer, see Figure 5.1.

There is always exactly one RFCOMM frame contained in each L2CAP frame.

Frame Structure for Basic option. Note that the opening and closing flags from the 07.10 Basic option are excluded in RFCOMM.
Figure 5.1. Frame Structure for Basic option. Note that the opening and closing flags from the 07.10 Basic option are excluded in RFCOMM.

5.1.1. FCS calculation

In 07.10, the frame check sequence (FCS) is calculated on different sets of fields for different frame types. These are the fields that the FCS are calculated on:

For SABM, DISC, UA, DM frames: on Address, Control and length field.

For UIH frames: on Address and Control field.

(This is stated here for clarification, and to set the standard for RFCOMM; the fields included in FCS calculation have actually changed in version 7.0.0 of TS 07.10, but RFCOMM will not change the FCS calculation scheme from the one above.)

5.1.2. P/F-Bit

In the control field (see Figure 5.1 above), there is one bit denoted as the P/Fbit. The general function of this bit is explained in 07.10, section 5.4.4. And the value to use for the P/F-bit in IUH frames is further clarified in 07.10, section These rules apply without modification on an RFCOMM session where the credit based flow control scheme is not in use. See Section 6.5.

However, when credit based flow control is in use, the meaning of the P/F-bit is redefined for UIH frames. This also involves a redefinition of the frame structure, compared to Figure 5.1 above. See Section 6.5.2 for further details.

5.1.3. CR bit

In GSM 07.10, there are two different C/R-bits, one in the frame level (in the address field of the frame header), and one in the message level (in the command type field of the commands sent on the multiplexer control channel). The C/R bit in the frame level is set independently of the C/R bit in the message level.

In the frame level the C/R bit in the frame header is set as follows:

  • For SABM, UA, DM and DISC frames C/R bit is set according to Table 1 in GSM 07.10, section

  • For UIH frames, the C/R bit is always set according to section in GSM 07.10. This applies independently of what is contained wthin the UIH frames, either data or control messages.

In the message level, the C/R bit in the command type field is set as stated in section in GSM 07.10. Control messages are sent in UIH frames, where the C/R bit in the address field of the frame header is always set according to section in GSM 07.10, independently of whether the control message is a comand or a response.

5.2. TS 07.10 Multiplexer Start-up and Closedown Procedure

The start-up and closedown procedures as specified in section 5.7 in TS 07.10 are not supported. This means that the AT-command AT+CMUX is not supported by RFCOMM, neither is the multiplexer close down (CLD) command.

At any time, there must be at most one RFCOMM session between any pair of devices. When establishing a new DLC, the initiating entity must check if there already exists an RFCOMM session with the remote device, and if so, establish the new DLC on that. A session is identified by the Bluetooth BD_ADDR of the two endpoints[1].

5.2.1. Start-up procedure

The device opening up the first emulated serial port connection between two devices is responsible for first establishing the multiplexer control channel. This involves the following steps:

  • Establish an L2CAP channel to the peer RFCOMM entity, using L2CAP service primitives, see L2CAP “Service Primitives” on page 303.

  • Start the RFCOMM multiplexer by sending SABM command on DLCI 0, and await UA response from peer entity. (Further optional negotiation steps are possible.)

After these steps, DLCs for user data traffic can be established.

Implementation note: There is a special case that may occur if two RFCOMM entities try to establish a session at the same time on an already existing baseband connection. This will be experienced by an RFCOMM entity as receiving a L2CAP connect indication after it has itself issued a L2CAP connect request. In this situation, the RFCOMM entity should respond negatively to the received connect indication (since there may only be one session between two RFCOMM entities). How the situation is resolved is up to the implementation (e.g. it may retry after a random time, or leave it up to the user to retry manually).

5.2.2. Close-down procedure

The device closing the last connection (DLC) on a particular session is responsible for closing the multiplexer by closing the corresponding L2CAP channel.

Closing the multiplexer by first sending a DISC command frame on DLCI 0 is optional, but it is mandatory to respond correctly to a DISC (with UA response).

5.2.3. Link loss handling

If an L2CAP link loss notification is received, the local RFCOMM entity is responsible for sending a connection loss notification to the port emulation/ proxy entity for each active DLC. Then all resources associated with the RFCOMM session should be freed.

The appropriate action to take in the port emulation/proxy entity depends on the API on top. For example, for an emulated serial port (vCOMM), it would be suitable to drop CD, DSR and CTS signals (assuming device is a DTE).

5.3. System Parameters

Table 5.1 contains all the applicable system parameters for the RFCOMM implementation of the TS 07.10 multiplexer.

System Parameter


Maximum Frame Size (N1)

Default: 127 (negotiable range 23 – 32767)

Acknowledgement Timer (T1)

10-60 seconds. Recommended value: 20 seconds. See also note below.

Response Timer for Multiplexer Control Channel (T2)

10-60 seconds. Recommended value: 20 seconds. See also note below.

Table 5.1. System parameter values


Note: The timer T1 is the timeout for frames sent with the P/F-bit set to one (this applies only to SABM and DISC frames in RFCOMM). T2 is the timeout for commands sent in UIH frames on DLCI 0. The exact timeout values are implementation dependent, and may be chosen within the ranges indicated above. However, when sending SABM frame to start a new DLC (with DLCI < > 0), and if there is no knowledge in the local RFCOMM entity that LMP authentication has taken place on the link to the peer entity, T1 must be set in the interval 60 - 300 seconds. (Again, with exact value being implementation dependent).

Since RFCOMM relies on lower layers to provide reliable transmission, the default action performed on timeouts is to close down the multiplexer session.

On the responding side, if authentication procedures are triggered from RFCOMM, this must only be done when receiving a SABM frame, not when receiving configuration commands preparing an unopened DLC.

5.4. DLCI allocation with RFCOMM server channels

To account for the fact that both client and server applications may reside on both sides of an RFCOMM session, with clients on either side making connections independent of each other, the DLCI value space is divided between the two communicating devices using the concept of RFCOMM server channels and a direction bit.

The RFCOMM server channel number is a subset of the bits in the DLCI part of the address field in the TS 07.10 frame.

Bit No.









TS 07.10








Server Channel

Table 5.2. The format of the Address Field

Server applications registering with an RFCOMM service interface are assigned a Server Channel number in the range 1…30. [0 and 31 should not be used since the corresponding DLCIs are reserved in TS 07.10] It is this value that should be registered in the Service Discovery Database, see Section 7.2.

For an RFCOMM session, the initiating device is given the direction bit D=1 (and conversely, D=0 in the other device). When establishing a new data link connection on an existing RFCOMM session, the direction bit is used in conjunction with the Server Channel to determine the DLCI to use to connect to a specific application. This DLCI is thereafter used for all packets in both directions between the endpoints.

In effect, this partitions the DLCI value space such that server applications on the non-initiating device are reachable on DLCIs 2,4,6,…,60; and server applications on the initiating device are reachable on DLCIs 3,5,7,…,61. (Note that for a device that supports multiple simultaneous RFCOMM sessions to two or more devices, the direction bit might not be the same on all sessions.)

An RFCOMM entity making a new DLC on an existing session forms the DLCI by combining the Server Channel for the application on the other device, and the inverse of its own direction bit for the session.

DLCI 1 and 62-63 are reserved and never used in RFCOMM.

5.5. Multiplexer Control Commands

Note that in TS 07.10, some Multiplexer Control commands pertaining to specific DLCIs may be exchanged on the control channel (DLCI 0) before the corresponding DLC has been established. (This refers the PN and RPN commands.) All such states associated with an individual DLC must be reset to their default values upon receiving a DISC command frame, or when closing the DLC from the local side. This is to ensure that all DLC (re-)establishments on the same session will have predictable results, irrespective of the session history.

If a Multiplexer Control command is received relating to a DLCI that is not open, the responding implementation may replace the "proper" response on the Multiplexer Control channel with a DM frame, sent on the referenced DLCI to indicate that the DLCI is not open, and that the responder would not grant a request to open it later either. (That is, a subsequent SABM sent by initiator would be declined with DM again.)

In GSM TS 07.10, it is stated in section that it is allowed it is allowed to include multiple multiplexer control messages in one frame (as long as the maximum frame size is not exceeded). This feature is disallowed in RFCOMM. (But it is still allowed for an RFCOMM entity to issue multiple multiplexer control messages, each in its own frame, without waiting for responses in between).

5.5.1. Remote Port Negotiation Command (RPN)

The RPN command can be used before a new DLC is opened and should be used whenever the port settings change.

The RPN command is specified as optional in TS 07.10, but it is mandatory to recognize and respond to it in RFCOMM. (Although the handling of individual settings are implementation-dependent.)

5.5.2. Remote Line Status Command (RLS)

This command is used for indication of remote port line status.

The RLS command is specified as optional in TS 07.10, but it is mandatory to recognize and respond to it in RFCOMM. (Although the handling of individual settings are implementation-dependent.)

5.5.3. DLC parameter negotiation (PN)

The PN command is specified as optional in TS 07.10, but it is mandatory to use for RFCOMM implementations conforming to the Bluetooth specification version 1.1 and later. This command must be used at least before creation of the first DLC on an RFCOMM session, and the initiator has to try to turn on the use of credit based flow control as described below, and in Section 6.5. TS 07.10 does not explicitly disallow use at any time, but after the DLC is established, the responder of a PN request may refuse to change any parameters (by simply including its current parameter set in the response).

There are some parameters in the PN command which convey information not applicable to RFCOMM. These fields must therefore be set to predetermined values by the sender, and they must be ignored by the receiver. This concern the following fields (see table 3 in ref. [1]):

  • I1-I4 must be set to 0. (Meaning: use UIH frames.)

  • T1-T8 must be set to 0. (Meaning: acknowledgment timer T1, which is not negotiable in RFCOMM.)

  • NA1-NA8 must be set to 0. (Meaning: number of retransmissions N2; always 0 for RFCOMM)

The CL1 -CL4 field is completely redefined. (In TS07.10 this defines the convergence

layer to use, which is not applicable to RFCOMM. In RFCOMM, in Bluetooth versions up to 1.0B, this field was forced to 0).

In the PN request sent prior to a DLC establishment, this field must contain the value 15 (0xF), indicating support of credit based flow control in the sender. See Table 5.3 below. If the PN response contains any other value than 14 (0xE) in this field, it is inferred that the peer RFCOMM entity is not supporting the credit based flow control feature. (This is only possible if the peer RFCOMM implementation is only conforming to Bluetooth version 1.0B.) If a PN request is sent on an already open DLC, then this field must contain the value zero; it is not possible to “set initial credits” more than once per DLC activation.

A responding implementation must set this field in the PN response to 14 (0xE), if (and only if) the value in the PN request was 15.

Bluetooth version

CL1 - CL4 in PN request

CL1 - CL4 in PN response

<= 1.0B



>= 1.1



[*] . Or 0x0 if the request was sent from a 1.0B device with no CFC support.

Table 5.3. CL field values for different RFCOMM versions

The K1 - K3 field is completely redefined. (In TS07.10 this is the window size for error recovery mode, which is not applicable to RFCOMM. In RFCOMM, in Bluetooth versions up to 1.0B, this field was forced to 0).

In the PN request/response, this field is now interpreted as the initial amount of credits issued to the peer. Thus, this field may take any value in the range from 0 - 7, both in the request and in the response.

This interpretation depends on the contents of the CL1 - CL4 field defined above, i.e. when credit based flow control is not indicated, K1 - K3 must be forced to 0.

If a command is received with invalid (or for some reason unacceptable) values in any field, a DLC parameter negotiation response must be issued with values that are acceptable to the responding device. Or, the responder may send a DM frame on the DLC indicated in the PN command.A device receiving a PN command must send a response. The response may be a PN response, or a DM frame.

For a PN command with N1 value of N1c (c for command), a PN response must have an N1 value N1r (r for response) where N1r <= N1c. If the receiver is not willing to establish a connection for any reason, it may send a DM frame on the DLCI indicated in the PN command.

A device receiving a PN response may either accept N1r and use this value as the maximum frame data size, or chose not to establish the connection. If it choses not to establish a connection, it must send a DISC or DM frame to indicate this.

If this connection is subsequently established, neither side may send a frame with more than N1r bytes of data,

In the case that no PN frames have been exchanged before the DLC establishment, then both implementations should use the default value described in RFCOMM spec Table 5.2:

6. Flow Control

Wired ports commonly use flow control such as RTS/CTS to control communications. On the other hand, the flow control between RFCOMM and the lower layer L2CAP depends on the service interface supported by the implementation. In addition RFCOMM has its own flow control mechanisms. This section describes the different flow control mechanisms.

6.1. L2CAP Flow Control in Overview

L2CAP relies on the flow control mechanism provided by the Link Manager layer in the baseband. The flow control mechanism between the L2CAP and RFCOMM layers is implementation-specific.

6.2. Wired Serial Port Flow Control

Wired Serial ports falls into two camps – software flow control using characters such as XON/XOFF, and flow control using RTS/CTS or DTR/DSR circuits. These methods may be used by both sides of a wired link, or may be used only in one direction.

6.3. GSM TS 07.10 Flow Control

The GSM TS 07.10 protocol provides two flow control mechanisms:

  1. The GSM TS 07.10 protocol contains flow control commands that operate on the aggregate data flow between two RFCOMM entities; i.e. all DLCIs are affected. The control channel commands, FCon and FCoff, are defined in section in ref [1].

  2. The Modem Status command as defined in section in ref [1] is the flow control mechanism that operates on individual DLCI.

Note that these flow control mechanisms only relate to the flow of user payload data in UIH frames on DLCIs other than the multiplexer control channel (DLCI 0). Also note that it is mandatory to support these GSM TS 07.10-styles of flow control, in order to maintain backward compability with Bluetooth version 1.0B.

When MSC commands are used[2], it is only the FC bit that affects the flow on the RFCOMM protocol level. The RTR bit (along with the other V.24 signals in the MSC command) must only be treated transparently as “information” by the RFCOMM entity.

See also figure 3.1. The V.24 signals carry information between the port emulation entities on behalf of applications, and may also be interpreted as “flow control” information as described in the section on Port Emulation Entity Serial Flow Control 6.4, if negotiation has been done with the RPN command.

6.4. Port Emulation Entity Serial Flow Control

On Type 1 devices some port drivers (Port Emulation Entities plus RFCOMM) will need to provide flow control services as specified by the API they are emulating. An application may request a particular flow control mechanism like XON/XOFF or RTS/CTS and expect the port driver to handle the flow control. On type 2 devices the port driver may need to perform flow control on the non- RFCOMM part of the communication path; i.e. the physical RS-232 port. This flow control is specified via the control parameters sent by the peer RFCOMM entity (usually a type 1 device). The description of flow control in this section is for port drivers on type 1 devices.

Since RFCOMM already has its own flow control mechanism, the port driver does not need to perform flow control using the methods requested by the application. In the ideal case, the application sets a flow control mechanism and assumes that the COMM system will handle the details. The port driver could then simply ignore the request and rely on RFCOMM’s flow control. The application is able to send and receive data, and does not know or care that the port driver did not perform flow control using the mechanism requested. However, in the real world some problems arise.

  • The RFCOMM-based port driver is running on top of a packet-based protocol where data may be buffered somewhere in the communication path. Thus, the port driver cannot perform flow control with the same precision as in the wired case.

  • The application may decide to apply the flow control mechanism itself in addition to requesting flow control from the port driver.

These problems suggest that the port driver must do some additional work to perform flow control emulation properly. Here are the basic rules for flow control emulation.

  • The port driver will not solely rely on the mechanism requested by the application but use a combination of flow control mechanisms.

  • The port driver must be aware of the flow control mechanisms requested by the application and behave like the wired case when it sees changes on the non-data circuits (hardware flow control) or flow control characters in the incoming data (software flow control). For example, if XOFF and XON characters would have been stripped in the wired case they must be stripped by the RFCOMM based port driver.

  • If the application sets a flow control mechanism via the port driver interface and then proceeds to invoke the mechanism on its own, the port driver must behave in a manner similar to that of the wired case (e.g. If XOFF and XON characters would have been passed through to the wire in the wired case the port driver must also pass these characters).

These basic rules are applied to emulate each of the wired flow control schemes. Note that multiple types of flow control can be set at the same time. Section 5.4.8 in ref [1] defines each flow control mechanism.

6.5. Credit based flow control

This is a mandatory feature that did not exist in RFCOMM in Bluetooth specifications 1.0B and earlier. Therefore, its use is subject to negotiation before the first DLC establishment (see Section 5.5.3 and Section 6.5.1). Implementations conforming to this specification must support it, and must try to use it when connecting to other devices.

The credit based flow control feature provides flow control on a per - DLC basis. When used, both devices involved in a RFCOMM session will know, for each DLC, how many RFCOMM frames the other device is able to accept before it buffers fill up for that DLC. A sending entity may send as many frames on a DLC as it has credits; if the credit count reaches zero, the sender must stop and wait for further credits from the peer. It is always allowed to send frames containing no user data (length field = 0) when credit based flow control is in use. This mechanism operates independently for each DLC, and for each direction. It does not apply to DLCI 0 or to non-UIH frames.

6.5.1. Initial DLC Negotiation

The use of credit based flow control is a session characteristic. Thus, it has to be negotiated with the PN multiplexor control command (see Section 5.5.3) before the first DLC is established.

After the first successful negotiation and DLC establishment, all DLCs will be flow controlled with this scheme. PN negotiation at subsequent DLC establishments is optional, but recommended, since it also establishes initial credit count values on both sides for both sides.

6.5.2. DLC Operation

When credit based flow control is being used, the meaning of the P/F bit in the control field of the RFCOMM header is redefined for UIH frames.

When the P/F-bit is zero in a UIH-frame, the frame is structured according to Figure 5.1.

When the P/F-bit is one in a UIH-frame, the frame is structure according to Figure 6.1 below. In this case, a credit field is inserted between the length indicator and the payload information field. The value of the credit octet (0 - 255)signifies a number of frames, for which the sender now has buffer space available to receive on the DLC. (Each frame may be sized up to agreed maximum frame size). Credits are additive, meaning that received credits are added to whatever remaining credits that may be left from before. In this case, the length indicator field (as always) indicates the number of information octets in the following information field; however, the maximum number of allowable information octets is decreased by one to compensate for the credit field. (This is to keep the maximum L2CAP payload size constant). This means, that for UIH-frames with the P/F-bit = 0, the maximum size of the information field is the negotiated one (= the N1 parameter), whereas for UIH-frames with the P/F-bit = 1, the actual maximum size is one less (N1 - 1).

Frame Structure for Basic option, UIH frames with P/F-bit = 1 and credit based flow control used. Note that the opening and closing flags from 07.10 Basic option are excluded in RFCOMM.
Figure 6.1. Frame Structure for Basic option, UIH frames with P/F-bit = 1 and credit based flow control used. Note that the opening and closing flags from 07.10 Basic option are excluded in RFCOMM.

6.5.3. Other flow control aspects

When credit based flow control is being used on a session, the following applies:

  • The FCon and FCoff multiplexer control commands must not be used.

  • The FC-bit in the MSC-command has no meaning; it should be set to zero in MSC-commands, and it should be ignored by a receiver.

7. Interaction with Other Entities

7.1. Port Emulation and Port Proxy Entities

This section defines how the RFCOMM protocol should be used to emulate serial ports. Figure 7.1 shows the two device types that the RFCOMM protocol supports.

The RFCOMM communication model
Figure 7.1. The RFCOMM communication model

Type 1 devices are communication endpoints such as computers and printers. Type 2 devices are part of a communication segment; e.g. modems.

7.1.1. Port Emulation Entity

The port emulation entity maps a system specific communication interface (API) to the RFCOMM services.

7.1.2. Port Proxy Entity

The port proxy entity relays data from RFCOMM to an external RS-232 interface linked to a DCE. The communications parameters of the RS-232 interface are set according to received RPN commands, see Section 5.5.1.

7.2. Service Registration and Discovery

Registration of individual applications or services, along with the information needed to reach those (i.e. the RFCOMM Server Channel) is the responsibility of each application respectively (or possibly a Bluetooth configuration application acting on behalf of legacy applications not directly aware of Bluetooth).

Below is a template/example for developing service records for a given service or profile using RFCOMM. It illustrates the inclusion of the ServiceClassList with a single service class, a ProtocolDescriptor List with two protocols (although there may be more protocols on top of RFCOMM). The example shows the use of one other universal attribute (ServiceName). For each service running on top of RFCOMM, appropriate DP-defined universal attributes and/or service-specific attributes will apply. For additional information on Service Records, see the SDP Specification, Section 2.2 on page 340.

The attributes that a client application needs (at a minimum) to connect to a service on top of RFCOMM are the ServiceClassIDList and the ProtocolDescriptorList (corresponding to the shaded rows in the table below).





Attribute ID













L2CAP /Note 1






Server Channel


N = server channel #

[other protocols]



[other protocol-specific parame­ters]





Displayable text name

DataElement/ String

’Example service’


[other universal attributes as appropriate for this service]





[service-specific attributes]






  1. Defined in “Bluetooth Assigned Numbers” (http://www.bluetooth.org/assigned-numbers.htm).

  2. For national language support for all ’displayable’ text string attributes, an offset has to be added to the LanguageBaseAttributeIDList value for the selected language (see the SDP Specification, Section 5.1.14 on page 373 for details).

  3. To be defined (where necessary) for the specific service.

  4. For a specific service some of the SDP-defined universal attributes may apply. See the SDP Specification, Section 5.1 on page 366.

  5. This indicates the class of service. It can be a single entry or a list of service classes ranging from generic to most specific.

7.3. Lower Layer Dependencies

7.3.1. Reliability

RFCOMM uses the services of L2CAP to establish L2CAP channels to RFCOMM entities on other devices. An L2CAP channel is used for the RFCOMM/TS 07.10 multiplexer session. On such a channel, the TS 07.10 frames listed in Section 4.2 are sent, with the adaptation defined in Section 5.1.

Some frame types (SABM and DISC) as well as UIH frames with multiplexer control commands sent on DLCI 0 always require a response from the remote entity, so they are acknowledged on the RFCOMM level (but not retransmitted in the absence of acknowledgment, see Section 5.3). Data frames do not require any response in the RFCOMM protocol, and are thus unacknowledged.

Therefore, RFCOMM must require L2CAP to provide channels with maximum reliability, to ensure that all frames are delivered in order, and without duplicates. Should an L2CAP channel fail to provide this, RFCOMM expects a link loss notification, which should be handled by RFCOMM as described in Section 5.2.3.

7.3.2. Low power modes

If all L2CAP channels towards a certain device are idle for a certain amount of time, a decision may be made to put that device in a low power mode (i.e. use hold, sniff or park, see ’Baseband Specification’ Section 10.10.3 on page 124). This will be done without any interference from RFCOMM. RFCOMM can state its latency requirements to L2CAP.This information may be used by lower layers to decide which low power mode(s) to use.

The RFCOMM protocol as such does not suffer from latency delays incurred by low power modes, and consequentially, this specification does not state any maximum latency requirement on RFCOMM’s behalf. Latency sensitivity inherently depends on application requirements, which suggests that an RFCOMM service interface implementation could include a way for applications to state latency requirements, to be aggregated and conveyed to L2CAP by the RFCOMM implementation. (That is if such procedures make sense for a particular platform.)

8. References


[1] TS 07.10, ver 6.3.0, ETSI

[2] Bluetooth L2CAP Specification

[3] Bluetooth SDP Specification

[4] See , “Bluetooth Assigned Numbers” http://www.bluetooth.org/assigned-numbers.htm

9. Terms and Abbreviations

The following terms are used throughout the document.


Data Terminal Equipment – in serial communications, DTE refers to a device at the endpoint of the communications path; typically a computer or terminal


Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment – in serial communications, DCE refers to a device between the communication endpoints whose sole task is to facilitate the communications process; typically a modem

RFCOMM initiator

The device initiating the RFCOMM session; i.e.setting up RFCOMM channel on L2CAP and starting RFCOMM multiplexing with the SABM command frame on DLCI 0 (zero)


An RFCOMM client is an application that requests a connection to another application (RFCOMM server)


An RFCOMM server is an application that awaits a connection from an RFCOMM client on another device. What happens after such a connection is established is not within the scope of this definition

RFCOMM Server Channel

This is a subfield of the TS 07.10 DLCI number. This abstraction is used to allow both server and client applications to reside on both sides of an RFCOMM session

[1] This implies that, when responding to an L2CAP connection indication, the RFCOMM entity should save and associate the new RFCOMM session with the remote BD_ADDR. This is, at least, necessary if subsequent establishment of a DLC in the opposite direction is possible (which may depend on device capabilities).

[2] In any case MSC commands and responses must be exchanged before the data transfer may start, as stated in the ETSI standard TS 07.10, Section