Swift Heroes Digital 2021

Controlling Bluetooth Mesh Networks with Swift Applications 

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Presenter: Martin Woolley, Bluetooth SIG Developer Relations Senior Manager – EMEA 

Date: 16 April, 10:10 CET


Bluetooth mesh is a Bluetooth technology that allows secure networks of tens of thousands of Bluetooth devices to be created and truly smart, self-optimising buildings to be created, with sensors, lights, air-conditioning units and more, all working wirelessly and automatically together. 

Mesh networks and the devices they contain need to be monitored and controlled, sometimes by humans using a GUI application. This session will explain how iOS applications, written in Swift can be developed for this purpose. 

Related Resources: 
Mesh Resource Center

About the Conference: 

Swift Heroes Digital is a two day – all digital – event addressing this year’s hottest Swift topics. Combining resources from the Swift Heroes Global network, they are putting an international, interactive event into the market. Swift Heroes Digital is a two day event, for developers, designers and project managers at all levels of experience with the Swift platform. 


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