Bluetooth® Developer Studio is about assisting developers who want to learn more about Bluetooth technology including general terminology, designing/modeling, prototyping/functional testing, generating stub code, physical testing and documenting. We announced availability of our first dot release, v1.1. It adds features to improve how you learn about Bluetooth:

  1. Protocol Viewer
  2. Online Help
  3. Tooltips

Let’s countdown while digging a little deeper.

Number 3—Tooltips

Tooltips are now part of the major interactive UI elements in Developer Studio. If you’ve ever asked any of the questions below, you now have answers at the tip of your mouse cursor.

  • What’s a Profile, Service, and Characteristic…?
  • What’s this button do?
  • What’s that acronym mean?

Number 2—Online Help

Help documentation is now online. Not only is it better looking and easier to navigate but, from a learning standpoint, this gives us the ability to add or update content quickly based on user feedback. If something in the tool is unclear, let us know and we’ll add a section to the Help documentation—as soon as we write it, you’ll see it.

Number 1—Protocol Viewer

The addition of Protocol Viewer elevates the ability to troubleshoot devices and gain a deeper understanding of GATT commands. This feature lets you view Bluetooth® commands and sequences sent and received between Developer Studio and a physical device. Simply put, it’s a Bluetooth protocol analyzer.

Ready to test and debug your device? Use Protocol Viewer to capture and observe packets, frames, layers and events.

Still learning how things work? Use Protocol Viewer to get a visual of messages passed between protocol layers using the Message Sequence Chart view.

If you’re more of a visual learner, be sure to check out our Protocol Viewer overview:

What is Channel Sounding?

Distance measurements via Bluetooth is getting a big improvement with the upcoming Channel Sounding…

Robust Indoor Distance Estimation Algorithms for Bluetooth® Channel Sounding

Bluetooth Channel Sounding is a powerful feature setting a clear and solid foundation for…

What’s New with Bluetooth® Technology: Channel Sounding, Upcoming Features, and Key Technology Trends

With over 5 billion devices shipping each year, Bluetooth technology is the most widely…

Bluetooth® Core 6.0: What's New In The Latest Bluetooth Release?

Bluetooth technology is constantly growing, not only enhancing existing applications but also enabling entirely…

Bluetooth PAwR in a Large-Scale Test Network

In the ever-evolving, dynamic landscape of Bluetooth-connected smart devices, efficient interconnection and reliable communication…

Bluetooth Channel Sounding: How It Works and What It MeansBluetoothチャネルサウンディング:その仕組みと意義

Bluetooth® Channel Sounding is a new secure, fine-ranging capability that promises to enhance the…

Receiver Blocking Resilience Testing

The Bluetooth SIG is soliciting member test results verifying the receiver blocking resilience of…

Now Available: New Version of the Bluetooth® Core SpecificationBluetoothコア仕様の新バージョンがリリース

Thanks to the dedication and hard work of the Bluetooth community, Bluetooth® technology is…

Channel Sounding: Technical Overview (Pt 2)

In Part 1 we introduced the new Bluetooth distance measurement innovation known as Channel…

The Bluetooth Roadmap: Bluetooth Specifications in ProgressBluetoothのロードマップ:策定中のBluetooth仕様

Though not commonly known among many consumers, Bluetooth® technology is constantly and consistently advancing to…

Bluetooth® Channel Sounding: A Technical Overview

This paper provides a detailed technical overview of Bluetooth® Channel Sounding, a secure fine ranging…

The Bluetooth® Mesh Primer

An introduction and explanation of important Bluetooth® Mesh concepts.

Bluetooth® Technology for Linux Developers

Learn how to use the interprocess communication system D-Bus and the BlueZ APIs to create Bluetooth applications for Linux computers.

Designing and Developing Bluetooth® Internet Gateways

Learn about Bluetooth® internet gateways, how to make them secure and scalable, and design and implement your own...

The Bluetooth® LE Security Study Guide

Learn about fundamental security concepts, the security features of Bluetooth Low Energy, and gain some hands-on experience using those features in device code.

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